Education News

Girl Scout recruitment
Join the Landstuhl Girl Scouts for their annual “I Wanna be a Crafty Girl Scout” recruitment event, which will take place from 1 to 3 p.m.
Aug. 29 at Heaton Auditorium on Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.
Everyone is invited – Girl Scout or not. Come by for some crafty fun, snacks and register to be a Landstuhl Girl Scout.

Attention Girl Scouts
Do you need patches or badges? Check with us first! We have all kinds of patches and badges for all age levels of Girl Scouts.
Contact Robin Roche at 0160-938-89441 before purchasing from the GS store.

SOAR deadlines
SOAR applications are due to the education office no later than Sept. 11. Any applicants requesting waivers must have them postmarked before Sept. 1.

Student immunizations
The Department of Defense Activity reminds parents to review their child’s immunization record to ensure their vaccines are current prior to the start of the 2009-2010 school year. Before enrolling in a DODEA school, students are required to have immunizations outlined in the DODEA Immunization Requirements Form, which can be found at
Students will not be allowed to attend school until they are immunization compliant or have a waiver.

School-age summer camp
Until Aug. 28, Child and Youth Services offers a day camp open to students entering
second to sixth grade. Children will enjoy arts and crafts, field trips, workshops and much more.
For more information or to register, contact Central Enrollment and Registration at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122. Visit for more information.

Teens on the Go
Teens entering seventh through 12th grade can participate in field trips until Aug. 28 for just $45 per week. The cost includes transportation and admission.
Those interested in participating must sign up one week in advance.
Visit for a schedule of trips. For additional information or to register, contact central enrollment and registration at
493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122.

S2S welcomes students
 The Ramstein High School Student 2 Student program is a student run and adult supervised program.
S2S aids transitioning students by putting the focus on finding their way, relationships and academics. For high school students, summer PCS moves can make it especially difficult to make peer connections. The RHS S2S team is here to help.  
Students new to the KMC who will be attending RHS are invited to attend an S2S barbecue on Wednesday at RHS.  
For more information, call Mr. Redmond at 478-8212 or the Ramstein Schools Liaison Office.

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