Efficiency in the gym, hard work pay off

by 1st Lt. Phil

Every month, the 86th Airlift Wing recognizes those members who earn a perfect 100 on their annual physical fitness assessment with a certificate or letter of
recognition and their picture displayed in the Kaiserslautern American.

In previous months, the 86th AW has interviewed a captain and a staff sergeant who were able to obtain perfect scores seven years in a row and a second lieutenant who improved his score from his previous test to earn a 100 percent.

This month, the 86th AW talks to a busy Headquarters field grade officer who’s become more efficient with her time to secure a spot in Club 100.

NAME: Lt. Col. Jennifer Kilbourn
TITLE: Chief, Readiness Division, U.S. Air Forces in Europe Headquarters
FAMILY: Proud mother of a 12-year-old soccer player
PT SCORE: 100 percent, August 2009

Q: Tell us about your background in

A: I used to do a lot of distance running. I’ve run in the Boston Marathon. Lately, I’ve been running less because I’ve been busy and haven’t had time for long runs.

Q: What was your exercise regimen like this previous year leading up to your fitness assessment?

A: I spend about an hour at the gym three days per week where I do about 30 minutes of focused cardiovascular work and 30 minutes of weight lifting. I also get out and run twice per week – about four to five miles.

Q: Please describe what your “focused cardiovascular work” looks like.

A: I’ll choose a piece of equipment and do interval work for about 30 minutes alternating between periods of very high intensity and periods of lower intensity or high speed and lower speed. I like the elliptical because it engages both the upper and lower body; I’ll also work on a stair machine, treadmill or bike. The intervals have helped me to build strength and cardiovascular capacity while being more efficient with my time.

Q: You do some weight lifting as well? How long have you been doing that?

A: I’ve become more and more interested in weight lifting over this last year. I started during my last deployment. Over the week I hit back, chest, shoulders, arms, legs and core at least once. I’ll use both free weights and machines and will work my way through a set of 12 reps, 10 reps, eight reps and six reps while increasing the weight for each set. Having a plan before heading into the gym helps me stay focused.

Q: What results have you seen since incorporating weight lifting?

A: Adding leg strength has made running a lot easier. Pushups and sit-ups are easier now too.

Q: You must be very busy – being a
division chief for USAFE HQ and a mother – how do you find time to stay fit?

A: It’s not easy. However, it’s very important, both for the Air Force and for me. I want to be around in 30 years for my grandchildren. You have to make it a priority.

Q: I can’t let you go without asking you a bit about nutrition. Do you do anything
special with your diet?

A: Nothing too crazy. I like to get five smaller meals per day rather than a few large ones. I eat proteins at my snacks and meals to balance with carbohydrates. My kid calls me a nut; I eat a lot of cashews, almonds and peanuts.

Q: Any other success secrets to share?

A: Establish a dedicated routine and find a workout partner. Having someone to set goals with and push me helps gives me that extra motivation.

Some Final Words

One of the greatest lessons learned through interviewing fit Airmen is there are more than a few ways to get fit. But sorry to say, they all involve hard work. Many of the busiest and most successful people make fitness a priority.

It’s no surprise they often attribute a great deal of their success to their active lifestyle. If you’re in a pinch for time, higher intensity workouts, such as interval training, are a great way to stretch the impact of every minute in the gym. Resistance training adds power to every step and improves your fitness and readiness significantly.

Looking for a workout that builds both strength and cardio-respiratory fitness? Check out circuit training program options such as your local unit-led PTL Total Fit circuits, Hard Core classes offered through the fitness centers or connect with the local CrossFitRamstein group at the Northside Fitness Center. Maximizing gym time with higher-intensity, efficient workouts aided Colonel Kilbourn in securing a spot in the 100 Club. Are you ready to join?