EFMP: Stepping it up

by Airman 1st Class Alexcia Givens
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The Exceptional Family Member Program now offers a DD Form 3054 to help the program better serve enrolled families.
EFMP Medical and EFMP Family Support assist military members with special educational and medical needs. Families in the program are Q-coded, meaning their records indicate the family’s medical history may require specialized treatment.
The new DD Form 3054 includes a Family Needs Assessment, Family Service Plan, and Inter-Service’s Needs. The assessment is offered during permanent change of station moves or whenever a member requests more information.
The RAB virtual out-processing checklist now includes a required visit to EFMP-FS for members that have been Q-coded.
The assessment is an optional step that organizes family information and contains open-ended questions to help the EFMP-FS provider understand the family’s needs.
“This is a great opportunity for us to provide a warm handoff to their gaining base,” said Marcia James, Airman & Family Readiness Center family support coordinator. “Lillie Tarver, A&FRC family support coordinator, and I have a roster of the Air Force EFMP-FS coordinators, who are serving at other duty locations. This allows us to connect families directly to them through email.”
EFMP-FS provides non-medical counseling services and is often hosting events for parents and children. Most services are currently offered as virtual options for assistance.
EFMP-FS also offers workshops and events for quality of life assistance to families and professionals.
EFMP-M assists with family and newborn program enrollment, Command Sponsorship, Date Eligible for Return From Overseas Extensions, Reassignments, Humanitarian Assignments, and for those who PCS in and out of Ramstein.
“When special medical and education needs are identified, it is our responsibility to enroll the family member in order to grant access to a myriad of EFMP-M benefits,” said Jaimee Summers, EFMP-M special needs coordinator. “These benefits ensure that the special needs dependent always has access to suitable care.”

To enroll in EFMP-M or ask questions contact the medical office by emailing usaf.ramstien.86-mdg.mbx.efmpm@mail.mil or call DSN 314-479-2385. For all non-medical questions to EFMP-FS at 86fss.efmp@us.af.mil or DSN: 480-5100/5900 CIV: 06371-47-5100/5900.

For more information on the EFMP-FS program, join the Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Group: EFMP at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1146110125548922/.

For additional EFMP resources, visit the Department of the Air Force Family Vector website at: https://daffamilyvector.us.af.mil.

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