‘Emergency Data Cards’ complete paperless transition

***image1***RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – After decades of Airmen updating emergency contact information in their personnel records, everyone is now required to update the information online from home or work rather than visiting their military personnel flights.

Effective immediately MPFs are no longer required to print and file a paper copy of the Virtual Record of Emergency Data, or vRED, form in each Airman’s personnel records.  The paperless form provides the Air Force with information needed to contact family members if an Airman suffers a serious illness or injury, or dies while on active duty.

The vRED, which replaced the “DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data” in 2003, is required to be kept updated by each individual. Now the only way to update an Airman’s emergency data is by visiting the virtual MPF online.

Airmen who do not have access to a vMPF account, such as new accessions or basic trainees, must still complete a DD Form 93 until they establish an online account, said Maj. Yancey Cowen, chief of the casualty services branch at the Air Force Personnel Center here.

“The biggest advantage is convenience for the customer,” he said. “Airmen won’t have to stand in line at the MPF to make simple changes to their contact information.”

Airmen are required to keep their vREDs current at all times and review their contact data at least annually, according to Major Cowen.  Also, every Airman must review their vRED during in-processing and prior to all deployments.

“Accurate and current family contact information can prevent delays in notifications and perhaps benefits for Airmen and family members,” Major Cowen said.   

Personnel officials encourage all active-duty, Guard and Reserve members to update their information every six months.  Civil service employees are also encouraged to update their virtual Emergency Data System contact information as needed for the same reasons.

Both online applications take about 15 minutes to complete, and ask questions such as who are the relatives who should be contacted and what are their addresses.

For more information, visit www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/vs/ to log into vMPF or to establish an account.
(Courtesy of Air Force Personnel Center News Service)

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