Enjoy the holidays stress free

by Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente
86th Airlift Wing commander

The holiday season in Germany is a wonderful time full of fun, holiday markets and time spent with family and friends. But sometimes, the holiday season often brings unwanted guests like stress and depression.

While it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday demands during this time of year, some simple planning can minimize the stress accompanying them.

By planning ahead you can reduce unwanted stress or depression, allowing you to take time out to enjoy the holiday season.
Being realistic and creating a holiday budget lets you set expectations up front and avoid financial stressors. The holidays don’t have to be perfect or just like last year. Acknowledging things are different and planning for these changes can help you feel less stressed.

Sometimes you need to escape and take a breather. You have an opportunity being stationed in Germany to experience what many dream of … holidays in Europe. Many cities, towns and villages throughout Germany hold various holiday markets. Regardless of the location, there are several in our neighboring communities; take time to explore these local markets. From the delicious foods and attractive festival rides, to the traditional handmade crafts, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Remember to take care of yourself and stay active.  Overindulgence can add to your stress. Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and don’t let holiday parties become a free-for-all for unhealthy habits. You can reduce tension, feel rested and take your mind off of holiday stressors by maintaining a regular exercise routine and getting plenty of sleep.

Despite your best efforts, sometimes stress and depression related to the holidays can be overwhelming. If you’re feeling lonely or isolated, don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance. Know your avenues of assistance and seek professional help if you need it. Whether it’s your chain of command or mental health professionals throughout the KMC, you are not alone.

Ultimately, we’re counting on everyone in the KMC to step up and step in to take care of each other during this holiday season. The holidays should bring joy and harmony to all, not stress or depression. Take care of yourself to manage stress and enjoy the holiday season.

Happy holidays, KMC!

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