Enlisted AF cross recipients

Capt. Tony Wickman
Alaskan Command
Public Affairs

1. Staff
4. Fed. housing org.
7. 1992 Literature Nobel Prize winner Walcott
9. Appendages
11. Conundrum
13. Elastic
15. Pol. party
16. __ _ second; soon
17. Prone to doing
18. Radiant
19. Lyrical poem
20. Writing errors
22. Ain’t __ _ shame
23. Cell material
25. Bro’s sib
26. Burn residue
27. Small harpsichord
30. Plate
32. Appeal to higher power
33. Askew
34. AF Cross recipient Staff Sgt. Eugene L. ____
35. AF Cross recipient Sgt. Theodore R. ____
37. Demure
38. Actor Mineo
39. Primary color
41. Cry of discovery
42. Executes
44. Lout
46. Bad review
47. Smack
48. Santa’s helper
50. Even
51. To go beyond; exceed
53. Ship part
55. Entity
56. American politician Goldwater
57. Nonsense
58. Affirmative

1. Resumes
2. Sphere
3. Sandwich shop
4. Grasped hand
5. Start of British ships
6. Eradicate
7. 1995 Stallone flick Judge _____
8. AF Cross recipient Sgt. Nacey ____, Jr.
9. Fringes
10. AF Cross recipient Tech. Sgt. Donald G. ____
11. Expert
12. AF Cross recipient Sgt. Larry W. ____
13. SE Asia country
14. Greek letter
21. Hole
24. Utilize
26. Bustling
28. A Gershwin
29. Negative vote
30. Faint
31. Sick
33. AF Cross recipient A1C Joel E. ____
34. Person humming
35. Shallow ___
36. Invigorating drinks
37. AF Cross recipient Staff Sgt. Charles L. ____
38. To be situated or located
40. Grocery section
41. Overseas mil. address
42. AF Cross recipient A1C Charles D. ____
43. Billet
45. Opponent to 15 ACROSS
47. AF Cross recipient Sgt. Russell M. ____
49. Brawl
52. ___ Grande
54. Rapping “Dr.”