Europe’s ‘Best Warriors’ named after thrilling competition

by Sgt. Maj. Michael Pintagro 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr. Competitors from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment dismount a Stryker combat vehicle during a medical scenario exercise conducted as part of the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition  Sept. 15 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area. About 22 candidates participated in the intense, annual weeklong competition, the most prestigious competitive event of the region. In the end, only one junior officer, one NCO and one Soldier emerged as “Best Warriors.”
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr.
Competitors from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment dismount a Stryker combat vehicle during a medical scenario exercise conducted as part of the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition
Sept. 15 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area. About 22 candidates participated in the intense, annual weeklong competition, the most prestigious competitive event of the region. In the end, only one junior officer, one NCO and one Soldier emerged as “Best Warriors.”

Competition officials unveiled Europe’s ultimate warriors before a rapt audience of Soldiers, leaders and distinguished visitors during a culminating ceremony held  Sept. 18 at the Grafenwoehr Physical Fitness Center.

The 173rd Airborne Brigade‘s 1st Lt. Jacob Wijnberg, fellow “Sky Soldier” captured top honors in the officer category, Sgt. 1st Class Elijah Howlett the NCO category and Spc. Jared Tansley, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, captured the junior Soldier category during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition.

The grueling weeklong event determined not only continental bragging rights, but the final roster of candidates for the Department of the Army Best Warrior Competition slated for Oct. 5 to 9 at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. Howlett, who serves with Troop B of the 173rd’s 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, and Tansley, an infantryman with Headquarters Troop, 3rd Squadron, will compete against fellow Soldiers across the Army for the service’s most prestigious individual competitive title. The junior officer competition culminates at command level.

“I was happy to compete, and I’m incredibly proud to represent my unit at this level and represent the U.S. Army in Europe,” said Wijnberg, who currently serves in Latvia with Company D, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry Regiment. “It’s been an honor and a privilege to compete with (the other candidates),  and I look forward to staying in touch with them and continue watching them grow in their careers.

“I’m here to represent my unit and my Soldiers,” Howlett continued. “So I want to make sure I’m setting the best example for them, so hopefully it inspires them to compete and do things above and beyond instead of just meeting the standard. That’s why I got in this competition and why I feel great about it.”

Europe’s top NCO of the year said he looks forward to competing at DA level.

“I’m up for the challenge,” Howlett said. “I embrace it. Whatever comes our way, we’re going to be prepared for it, and we’re going to win all-Army.”
Tansley said he reached the “highest level of happiness” upon learning of his victory.

“I felt like I brought a ton of pride back to my unit and my platoon, to family and friends,” Tansley said. “I have so many people to thank and not enough time to cover them all.”

Tansley also expressed confidence in his prospects at Fort A.P. Hill.

“Three weeks is more than enough time,” Tansley said. “We’re going to bring it home; we’re going to win.”

The infantryman plans to continue the rigorous training that carried him to triumph at unit and command levels. The near future, he noted, includes “nothing but rucking, running and a lot of weightlifting. No breaks until you win it all.”

The concluding ceremony capped a week of frenzied activities for candidates, organizers and cadre alike, not to mention months of painstaking planning, preparation and rehearsals.

Command Sgt. Maj. Sheryl Lyon, USAREUR senior enlisted leader and guest speaker for the awards ceremony, praised candidates’ performance, character and commitment.

“I saw a whole lot of heart and dedication,” Lyon said prior to the final event. “These candidates take enormous pride in what they do and it shows. This event tested everything they had — physically and mentally. I couldn’t be more proud of them.”

Competitors enjoyed their first significant remaining week during the ceremony. The relentless pace of events stretched candidates’ stamina, endurance, dedication and perhaps their sanity to the breaking point. Days ended late, sometimes after midnight, sometimes starting at absurdly early hours. The earliest competitive day began at 1 a.m. — barely three hours after weary candidates collapsed in exhaustion from the little rest from the previous days’ activities.

Candidates engaged in an array of competitive tasks, including an obstacle course; day and night land navigation; weapons assembly and marksmanship; urban “orienteering”; tactical communications; a medical scenario; a “situational training exercise” during which candidates engaged a terrorist threat; a culminating 12 mile foot march; and a demanding modified version of the Army Physical Fitness Test allowing for no rest in between events. Competitors donned protective gear and retrieved notional casualties from a gas-filled chamber, reacted to direct and indirect fire, conducted interviews with a hard-hitting “TV reporter,” penned essays, demonstrated familiarity with Army programs, appeared before a military board, and battled one another during a sometimes fierce “combatives” tournament. In all, candidates walked, ran and occasionally crawled over 32 cumulative miles while competing in more than 30 events and activities.

An equally dynamic team of event cadre and support staff spearheaded by enlisted leaders and Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command organized, managed and conducted the competition. The event staff itself endured a relentless daily “battle rhythm,” planning each activity in excruciating detail, supervising conduct of every task, thoroughly and fairly evaluating each candidate’s performance in each activity, and providing comprehensive mission and life support to well over 300 personnel.

“It takes a small army to put something of this scale together,” Lyon said “This is no easy feat. I’m very proud of how they conducted themselves throughout the competition — they were consummate professionals. They also put a lot of heart and soul into this to make it a great event for the competitors and USAREUR.”

“This is exactly what a great logistics unit does — it’s our bread and butter,” said 1st Sgt. Ryan Sattelberg, Headquarters Company, 21st Special Troops Battalion’s top NCO. “We plan, coordinate and execute missions of this magnitude very effectively, whether it’s for training or an operational deployment — we’re at the tip of the spear. This was all transparent to the competitors because it was done so well. The effort was seamless from Kaiserslautern to Camp Aachen.”

USAREUR’s ultimate warriors will confront a dozen other champions from an equal number of commands across the Army at Fort A.P. Hill. DA organizers will choose from 27 potential evaluated events without prior notice, so candidates must prepare for all of them.

“This event definitely put them to the test,” Lyon said. “But they’ll face even greater challenges at DA level. We’re sending our best, but the whole Army is sending its best. This will test their bodies, their minds and their hearts to the limit. I know they’ll represent us very well, and I’ll be very proud as long as they show the heart and determination they showed this week.”

Command Sgt. Maj. Rodney Rhoades, 21st TSC’s senior enlisted leader and key event organizer, described the event and the competitors  as “inspirational.”

“I was touched by what I saw during this competition,” Rhoades said. “What these candidates gave of themselves, their commitment and their endurance, wasn’t just impressive, it was inspirational. I know I could trust any of these candidates with the lives of my Soldiers.

“This tells me a lot about the leaders and organizations who produced these Soldiers,” Rhoades added. “It means we’re doing the right thing from Grafenwoehr to Kaiserslautern, to Wiesbaden to Vicenza. It also means our region and our Army are in good hands. With Soldiers and leaders of this caliber, our future looks pretty bright.”

Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr. Competitors from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment engage targets with the M249 squad automatic weapon during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition Sept. 15 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr.
Competitors from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment engage targets with the M249 squad automatic weapon during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition Sept. 15 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Visual Information Specialist Gertrud Zach Sgt. Kendrick Jones, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, accomplishes the call for a fire task Sept. 16 during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition at Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Visual Information Specialist Gertrud Zach
Sgt. Kendrick Jones, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, accomplishes the call for a fire task Sept. 16 during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition at Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr. Sgt. 1st Class Elijah Howlett, 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, Europe’s 2015 Best NCO Warrior, navigates an obstacle during the 2015 U.S. Army in Europe Best Warrior Competition held Sept. 13 to 18 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr.
Sgt. 1st Class Elijah Howlett, 1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade, Europe’s 2015 Best NCO Warrior, navigates an obstacle during the 2015 U.S. Army in Europe Best Warrior Competition held Sept. 13 to 18 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr. Officers, NCOs and Soldiers from across U.S. Army Europe navigate the leader reaction course during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition Sept. 14 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr.
Officers, NCOs and Soldiers from across U.S. Army Europe navigate the leader reaction course during the 2015 European Best Warrior Competition Sept. 14 at the Grafenwoehr Training Area.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr. The 173rd Airborne Brigade’s 1st Lt. Jacob Wijnberg (left), Europe’s 2015 Best Officer Warrior, engages a fellow competitor during the “combatives” tournament held Sept. 18 at the Grafenwoehr Physical Fitness Center.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Warren W. Wright Jr.
The 173rd Airborne Brigade’s 1st Lt. Jacob Wijnberg (left), Europe’s 2015 Best Officer Warrior, engages a fellow competitor during the “combatives” tournament held Sept. 18 at the Grafenwoehr Physical Fitness Center.
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