The Family Advocacy Program and sexual assault response coordinators are two services within the Air Force to help with issues some may face. These two organizations have partnered up to raise awareness for domestic violence and make a difference in the KMC.
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month brings awareness to sexual assault occurring between spouses and partners. Anyone, male or female, is susceptible to domestic abuse.
“Since our expertise is sexual assault and family advocacy’s (expertise) is domestic violence, we share a very similar mission,” said Carmen Schott, sexual assault response coordinator. “We want to come together, do a series of events in October to show our alliance and get out there to raise awareness.”
This isn’t the first time the groups are working together to raise awareness. Not only do they work together every October, but their relationship is a constant effort to improve the community.
“Throughout the whole year we’re always working together and collaborating, but October is just an opportunity to emphasize this issue,” said Valerie Seitz, family advocacy outreach manager. “It’s important for us to raise awareness because we need to reduce the number of incidents by educating the populace on what to look for and the services available to you if you have an issue.”
During October, the two agencies will be on the Kaiserslautern Armed Forces Network morning show to talk with survivors who will share their stories on the radio. The survivors will be talking about how they overcame their own personal domestic violence experiences.
SARC and FAP will also set up an information table at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center Oct. 10 to display brochures, handouts and show the public they’re working together.
“We really are trying to focus on our outreach efforts as a joint approach,” said Schott. “We want to get out [in the community] so people can know the outreach manager, the SARC office and know the prevention services we offer.”
The main objective of these two organizations is to educate people, spread awareness and prevent things from happening. Possible signs of domestic abuse can include being scared of their partner, making excuses for their partner’s behavior or blaming themselves for their partner’s actions.
Family advocacy offers a variety of training: parenting for all ages, stress management, anger management, relationship enhancement and plenty more. It’s never too late for an individual to go to the FAP and/or SARC if they’re having issues with domestic abuse.
For more information about Ramstein’s Family Advocacy Program, call 479-2370.
To reach the sexual assault response coordinator, call 480-7272.