Fired up for safety

Joe Monchecourt, Story and photos
21st Theater Support Command

***image1*** Hundreds of Soldiers, family members, civilians and local nationals from the Army community in Kaiserslautern had a daylong dose of safety at the 191st Ordnance Battalion’s annual Safety Day, held May 25 at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks.

“We want people to recognize that safety is not only a Soldier concept, but also a family concept as well,” said Maj. Daniel Roose, 191st Rear Detachment commander.

Major Roose said he wanted to make sure that everyone understands how important each player in the U.S. Army is – to include Soldiers, family members and civilians alike.

***image2***“We are one team. If we lose one person, that is one too many,” he said. “But just because safety is a serious issue, that doesn’t mean that we can’t have fun.”

The event had more than 40 exhibitions. Participants were watched a car-crash and rescue, a K-9 Military Police show and a Karate performance. They also received a lesson on how to extinguish a small fire.

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