First sergeants recognized for support

Family Advocacy took time this month to honor Ramstein men and women who give so much to our military community and ask nothing in return – Air Force first sergeants. Whether coordinating emergency assistance, advocating for on- or off-base services or relaying vital information to the troops and families, our first sergeants are diligently tending to the needs of our people. First sergeants serve 365 days a year, 24/7 with a smile, energy and integrity.

Local vendors, commanders and volunteers donated time, money and goods for a
dessert and coffee event Oct. 30 at Ramstein’s Woodlawn Golf Course.

With October being Domestic Violence Awareness month, Family Advocacy and the Integrated Delivery System thought it was an appropriate time to thank the first sergeants for their community and family support. First sergeants play a pivotal role in domestic violence issues such as raising awareness, prevention and initiating and supporting treatment.  

Domestic violence within the military population is sometimes heightened by the stress of deployments, isolation from family and friends, frequent relocations and exposure to combat. We want people to know support is available. One of Family Advocacy’s goals is to mitigate the stressors leading to domestic violence by offering classes, educational literature, resources and counseling for those who are seeking to improve their relationships. First sergeants are key elements to that goal.

We want people to feel free to stop by, pick up resources and let us know how we can help in the community. We have staff and volunteers eager to assist – not just with domestic violence but also with a variety of issues impacting families. Classes such as “1-2-3 Magic” and couples communication classes are offered on a regular basis.

Special thanks to the following agencies who contributed to this event: Family Advocacy, Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association, Airman & Family Readiness Center, Chapel Programs, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Coordinators,  Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Services, Drug Demand Reduction,  Family Member Programs, Health and Wellness Center, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment , Emergency Placement Program (Army), EDIS and many Family Advocacy volunteers.  

(Courtesy of Ramstein Family Advocacy)