Food, handcrafted items at Berglangenbach fest

Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing Public Affairs

***image1***Berglangenbach, a village in the Baumholder Union Community, will sponsor its ninth farmers’ and arts and crafts market Sunday.

From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., more than 100 regional farmers and vendors will present their products and merchandise such as potatoes, vegetables, fruit, wurst, marmalade, mustard, oil, vinegar, cheese, honey, juices, tea, coffee, wine, pasta, schnaps and liquor.

Artists will present their handcrafted items including ceramics, wooden items, artifical flower bouquets and wreathes and baskets. Highlights will be a display of paintings by local artists and body painting demonstrations.

Craftsmen such as smiths, turners, roofers, chimney sweepers and basket makers will demonstrate their skills. The market will include a vintage tractor show and the exhibition of historical agricultural machines. The animal show will present farm animals, rabbits, horses, donkeys and birds of prey. Children can ride ponies or a merry-go-round.

The market will offer food specialties: fish, brötchen, fried potatoes, spring rolls, gyros, steaks, plum cakes and waffles.

Regional music associations will provide the musical entertainment.

To get to Berglangenbach, take A62 north to Freisen, then L133 direction Baumholder, which turns into L384 direction Berschweiler/Fohren-Linden. Turn left twice before getting to L347. A few kilometers after Fohren-Linden, you’ll see signs to the farmers’ market.