Visitors of the blossom fest enjoy a hike along the blooming trees Saturday and Sunday in Freinsheim along the German Wine Street.
Freinsheim will celebrate its annual blossom fest 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Local vintners will present their latest wines and visitors have the opportunity to talk to them. The I-Punkt Freinsheim — Tourist Information office — and participating wineries will sell wine passes for €12. This pass will authorize visitors to taste 16 wines in little tasting glasses on both days.
Visitors can board wine shuttles at different locations and go from one winery to the next or enjoy a wagon ride on the blossom hiking path through an ocean of blossoms. The horse-drawn wagon rides are scheduled to start at noon on both days from the Kreuzhof vinery.
Local caterers and vintners will serve a large diversity of culinary specialties throughout the medieval town.
Food specialties include potato pancakes with salmon or apple sauce, pork chops with potato salad, lamb with vegetables, basil soup with asparagus, Mediterranean pasta pot, stuffed wraps, onion meat with mushrooms, prime boiled beef with horseradish sauce, trout, shrimps and oysters, flammkuchen with asparagus, salmon rolls with salad, Thai food, strawberry parfait with berries, and homemade cakes.
Art galleries will display art objects including paintings and photos.
A carnival with rides will be set up in Weisenheimer Strasse. The toy museum presents a wide collection of old toys.
Stores offering fashion, jewelry, flowers, decorations and arts will be open 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday.
The Baroque garden invites visitors to take a walk along the medieval town wall. A guided tour will begin at 11:15 a.m. at the historical town hall. Cost is €4.
The town wall was built in the 15th century. After the town came under the domination of the electoral palatinate in 1471, the new authorities enforced the current walls. With the Iron Gate, construction of the fortification came to an end in 1514. Until the beginning of the 19th century only two gates led out of town. Besides the two town gates, the Iron Gate in the east and the Hain gate in the southwest, about 20 towers were put up within the wall. Today five towers are left. It is known as one of the nicest and most complete town fortification facilities in the Pfalz.
To get to Freinsheim, travel on A6 direction Mannheim; take the Gruenstadt exit; follow the signs to Kirchheim, Dackenheim and Freinsheim. The old part of town will be closed to motorized traffic. Parking is available at the edge of town.
For more information, visit www.stadt-freinsheim.de.