GACO Corner: Beware of internet scams

Photo by panuwat phimpha/

Recently, we have been contacted by individuals who have fallen victim to internet scams. In some cases, the victims tried to buy an object from an alleged U.S. military member, transferred money and never received what they paid for. Other cases include building a romantic relationship online, eventually leading to the scammer requesting money. Do not publish pictures of your DOD ID, IACS Cards, private or DOD Passports online.

  • Report lost or stolen IDs to the proper offices.
  • If selling items privately, be aware Germans might be skeptical and ask for an in-person meeting.
  • Do not transfer money to a person you met on the internet.
  • Always be careful when selling household items, goods or even cars. If someone contacts you claiming to be, or send a transporter (instead of picking the items up and paying themselves), consider that a red flag.
  • Understand that no U.S. Military Leader will ever contact, or respond directly, to anyone on Facebook or Instagram, or any social media platform. If you receive a notification from anyone claiming to be a military leader in the KMC, or BMC, that person is an imposter, and we would appreciate it you would report them through the platform.
  • Remember, always exercise caution when it comes to talking to someone online, especially if you don’t know them in real life.

If you have fallen victim to internet scamming, please report the incident to the German police.