Each month, the German-American Community Office sponsors a special theme day to provide Americans and Germans needful information.
The special theme day for April takes place from 3 to 6 p.m. Thursday and the motto is “Sports in and around Kaiserslautern.”
People interested in sports can learn about sports events in the area, how to get tickets and how to find a sports club in their vicinity. Representatives from the Kaiserslautern Sports Office, county administration and various sports associations will be available to provide information.
The GACO is located on Lauterstrasse 2 in Kaiserslautern (across from the city hall). Those who cannot come in person, can send their questions to info@gaco-kl.de, call 0631-3633010 or fax to 0631-3633011 during that time. (Courtesy of German-American Community Office)
GACO provides sports information Thursday
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