GACO welcomes 30,000th customer

by Petra Lessoing
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Air ForceThe German American Community Office on Lauterstrasse 2 in Kaisers-lautern provides support to Americans and Germans.
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Air Force
The German American Community Office on Lauterstrasse 2 in Kaiserslautern provides support to Americans and Germans.

The German-American Community Office recently welcomed customer No. 30,000. Spc. Evral Graham of the 230th Military Police Company at Sembach Kaserne visited GACO in Kaiserslautern to inquire about the German “Kindergeld,” or child allowance. Little did he know, he would be greeted not only with the information he was inquiring about, but recognized as a milestone customer for GACO.

“When I went there, I was just expecting to get the help I needed and then be on my way, but before I could leave, I was told ‘Congratulations, you’re customer No. 30,000, and we have been waiting for you all day,’” Graham said. As a token, he was presented with a gift bag containing various GACO items.

Graham first heard about the GACO during a newcomers’ tour seven months ago. Shortly after, he needed GACO’s assistance.

“I was provided great services, and this time again I figured they were the go-to guys.”

GACO is co-sponsored by the KMC and the City of Kaiserslautern and opened its doors Feb. 19, 2003. It was established to provide service to Americans, both military and civilian, and Germans having problems or questions with German-American matters. The bilingual staff at GACO consists of 86th Airlift Wing host nation advisers and a relation consultant hired by the city. American customers mainly need assistance with German documents and authorities and have questions regarding host nation policies and regulations. Customers often need information about the disposal of trash off-base, drivers’ licenses for U.S. civilians, retirement in Germany, and marriage between Americans and foreign nationals, among other things.

“Americans should not hesitate to contact us if they have problems,”  said Mike Gannon, 86th Host Nation Office employee. “We are happy being able to help and finding solutions to problems.”

Germans contact GACO about problems they are having with American residents, such as unpaid bills and barking dogs. Some Germans are interested in getting involved in German-American activities, fostering friendship or finding out how to obtain a contract with the U.S. government.

The GACO staff also refers customers to the correct places when they are doing genealogical research and want to find out about their German forefathers.

Weekly USO newcomers’ orientation tours, which are mandatory for Army members, stop at the office where newly arrived Americans have the chance to ask questions on the spot. The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center offers biweekly newcomers’ trips to Kaiserslautern.

“We give newcomers a lot of ideas for leisure and recreation activities so they get to know the area and won’t be afraid of going places,” Gannon said.

GACO is located on Lauterstrasse 2 (Rathaus Nord) in Kaiserslautern, across from the city hall. Opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday. The staff can be reached by calling 0631-363-3010, emailing or visiting

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