German-American friendship club offers diversified annual program

Petra Lessoing
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***Each year, the German-American Friendship Association Siegelbach offers a special activities program for its members. At the general membership meeting Jan. 28, they will vote on the proposed schedule.
“We always try to find neat things to do for our members,” said Erhard Weber, German GAFAS president. “We want Americans and Germans to get to know each other, exchange ideas and try to learn the other language.”

The proposed program for 2006 is as follows:
Jan. 28: General Membership Assembly, 7 p.m. Sportheim Siegelbach
Beginning of February: Start of first semester language courses
Feb. 20: Trip to Mainz to visit ZDF television studio, Gutenberg museum and the Kupferberg wine-cellar
March 25: theme evening sponsored by German members
April 2: Game evening
April 9: First walking tour
May 6: City tour of Meisenheim
May 26 to 29: Trip to Normandy, France
June 11: Bike tour
July 1 to 4: City tour (destination to be determined)
July 22: Grill fest or picnic
Aug. 12: Second walking tour
Late August: Start of second semester language courses
Sept. 1 to 4: City tour (destination to be determined)
Oct. 6 to 9: City tour (destination to be determined)
Oct. 28: Theme evening sponsored by American members
Nov. 18: Wine tasting
Dec. 10: Game evening

“The destinations being considered for our trips include Dresden, Vienna, Munich, Cologne and Brussels,” said Mr. Weber. “In our membership meeting, we will vote on it.”

Also, every fourth Friday of the month, members meet for “kegeln,” the German type of bowling. The kegel evening is from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Burgherrenhalle in Kaiserslautern-Hohenecken. Participants need to bring clean sports shoes. Cost is €5 at the most.

For more information on the friendship association, its classes and activities, visit or call Mr. Weber at 06301-8327.

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