German and American high school students make cultural bridges

Stan Kyle
Kaiserslautern American High School teacher

***image1***Fifteen German students from Integrierte Gesamt Schule visited Kaiserslautern American High School recently to renew contacts and continue cultural and linguistic understanding between the two schools.
Their visit was a follow up to the German-American workshop, “EuropaHaus,” between KAHS and IGS, which was in Enkenbach-Alsenborn in December.

At KAHS, the German students paired with American students and toured the school. German students wanted to get an idea of the school atmosphere and some of the physical and visual differences between the two school systems.

After the tour, the students discussed what they saw in reference to similarities and differences. The students discussed current topics including freedom of the press, freedom of expression and violence in the schoolyard.

After discussing and writing their opinions, groups had the chance to present their opinions and findings to each other.

The day ended with an ice-cream social in celebration of KAHS Honor Roll students.

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