German Polizei Corner

German Polizei was called to an incident in a forest area between Obermohr-Reuschbach and Fockenberg-Limbach shortly before the holidays.

The hunter (game lessee) in charge of that area noticed several American youth away from the regular forest paths wearing fatigues and armed with a variety of long weapons. Police noted these were air soft guns without control stamps.

Air soft guns look very similar to real weapons and adhere to the German weapons law.
The weapons were secured, and the Zweibrücken Prosecutor’s Office will decide on further actions.

Polizei would like to point out:

• The possession and carrying of weapons without control stamps in Germany is not authorized and will be prosecuted.

• The children were not aware of the danger they were in when Polizei took action.

• Leaving forest paths without permission or good reason is not authorized.

• Game scared by this kind of disruption can cause a danger to nearby road traffic.

• Authorized hunters pay high fees for the hunting lease and take care of their wildlife stock.

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