German Polizei raises number of DUI checks

***image1***During Fasching season, the Police Headquarters Westpfalz in Kaiserslautern expects an increased number of traffic accidents due to the influence of alcohol. Throughout last year, there were 434 traffic accidents under the influence of alcohol in this region; 211 persons were injured and five died.

“Every driver must know the risk there is when driving after drinking,” said Andreas Kohler, traffic concerns coordinator, Police Headquarters Westpfalz. “Consequences include withdrawal of the drivers’ license, some motorists even lose their job, and sometimes the insurance company won’t pay the damages.”

There will be an increased number of police controls and DUI checks in the Westpfalz throughout the coming weeks. German Polizei will request a breathalyzer test if they become suspicious of the motorist’s way of driving or attitude. If the suspect refuses the test, Polizei can take the suspect to have blood taken. The suspect has to pay about €70 out of his pocket, if the test is positive.

When the blood alcohol level or the breathalyzer concentration is over the limit, the drive ends right there.

Mr. Kohler recommends that people who plan to join Fasching events don’t drink alcohol, or use public transportation or a taxi to drive home. Also, remains of alcohol stay in the body until the following day.
Therefore, even the morning after Fasching activities, people should not drive their vehicles. (Information by Police Headquarters Westpfalz) 


Friendship club
offers German classes, bus trip to Mainz

The German-American Friendship
Association Siegelbach still has openings for its German beginners and
advanced classes starting
in February. For details, call Anne Smith at 06371-617022 or Lena Barner
at 06305-994120.
The club will go by bus to Mainz to visit the ZDF television studio Feb.
Participants meet at 8 a.m. at the Siegelbach Tierpark (zoo) parking
lot to enter the bus. First, they drive to the Kupferberg wine cellar.
they get a tour of the winery and taste sparkling wines. After having
lunch in the TV studio around noon, a two-hour tour of the facility will
A common dinner is scheduled on the route back at the Bastenhaus in Dannenfels.
The cost for the trip to include the sparkling wine tasting is €35
for club members and €40 for non-members.
For reservations by Feb. 10, call Erhard Weber at 06301-8327 or e-mail (Information provided by GAFAS)