German, Ramstein partnership gets boosted

U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Randall Reed, 3rd Air Force and Kaiserslautern Military Community Commander, visits the site of the COVID-19 vaccine and booster shot immunizations at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25. RAB partnered with German health officials to bring the local vaccine bus to the installation and provide COVID-19 vaccines to the local national workforce and U.S. and NATO personnel. Reed commended the Airmen who set up Hangar three for the German Red Cross and is proud of the long-standing unity between Ramstein and its local partners. Photo by Airman 1st Class Jared Lovett
Marina Beck (left), German Red Cross office manager, gives Beata Golunski (right), 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron transportation assistant, her updated vaccination identification card at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25. Ramstein partnered with German health officials to bring the local vaccine bus to the installation to provide COVID-19 vaccines to the local national workforce and U.S. and NATO personnel. Photos by Airman 1st Class Jared Lovett
A local bus arrives at Hangar three at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25. Ramstein partnered with German health officials to bring the local vaccine bus to the installation to provide COVID-19 vaccines and boosters to the local national workforce and U.S. and NATO personnel.
Sabrina Johns (left) and Christiane Malburg (right), German Red Cross immunizers, prepare to administer COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25. German Red Cross medics administered approximately 500 vaccinations to base personnel and family members.
Ramstein Air Base utilizes a hangar to allow the German Red Cross to administer COVID-19 vaccines to base personnel and their family members at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25. Ramstein partnered with German health officials to bring the local vaccine bus to the installation.
Sabrina Johns (left), German Red Cross immunizer, administers a COVID-19 booster shot to Ali Polat (right), 86th Furniture Management Office truck master, at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25.
The local national workforce and their family members wait to receive COVID-19 vaccines at Ramstein Air Base, Jan. 25. Through the partnership between Ramstein and German health officials, German immunizers from the German Red Cross were able to administer approximately 500 vaccinations to base personnel and family members.
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