Health Corner: How to navigate the supplement maze – Dec. 18, 2015

by Marissa Pierce, CFT Contributing writer

There are many different types of supplements, and they all claim to assist in reaching our goals in some way or another. However, are they really necessary? Are they safe? Are they as good as the label proclaims them to be?

It can be difficult to get the proper balance of nutrients every day, which is why they are called ‘supplements’. Do not forget they are just that: They are meant to supplement an otherwise healthy diet. They should not be used as a shortcut or a replacement.

While many supplements are unnecessary, there are a few that are beneficial.

• Multivitamins

Multivitamins are the key to overall wellness. It is essential to take a multivitamin every day, even if you don’t want to use any other supplements. No other powder or pill will offer so much for your health as vitamins and minerals.

• Protein

While it is best to get as much protein as possible from natural sources such as chicken and tuna, a few scoops of protein powder can be both beneficial and convenient. Not everyone can carry around a few extra chicken breasts in their bag, but it is easy to carry some protein powder. Protein is essential for building and maintaining lean muscle.

• Branched chain amino acids

Branched chain amino acids, or BCAAs, assist in delivering protein to your muscles while at the same time preventing the protein from breaking down before it can be utilized. BCAAs are great as a pre-workout supplement or for an energy boost throughout the day.

• Fish oil

Fish oil can be compared to multivitamins and is also good for your overall health. It is good for you heart, your bone health and has even been shown to help keep you in a good mood. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids, or EFAs, that your body requires but can’t produce, so it’s very essential you are eating food or taking supplements that contain EFAs such as fish or fish oil.

• Calcium

Calcium is another must-have, especially for women. Most women do not get nearly the amount of calcium they need every day, which can lead to many problems later in life. In addition to its well-known bone health properties, calcium has also been shown to promote a lean physique. There are several varieties of calcium to choose from. A great one to consider is calcium citrate with vitamin D and magnesium.

• Glutamine

Glutamine is essential for post-workout recovery. It speeds up the recovery process while preventing muscle soreness. All you need is a small scoop to add to your post-workout protein shake to keep your muscles primed and ready for the next day.

• Pre-workout supplements

Taking pre-workout supplements can give you the extra edge and energy you need to finish a challenging workout. When trying pre-workout supplements, it is important to test your tolerance first. Always read the instructions on the label, and never take more than the recommended amount.

Multivitamins, fish oil and calcium are very essential to one’s health at a bare minimum. Choosing other supplements should be based on your individual needs. The key is to read labels on everything, and follow the instructions.

(Marissa Pierce is a certified fitness trainer and KA contributing writer.)

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