Hitting books with Ramstein’s Tax Center

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Savannah L. Waters 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Airman 1st Class Daniela Pastor, 86th Airlift Wing Judge Advocate paralegal, assists Staff Sgt. Tynisia Hains, 86th Force Support Squadron installation patrolman, at the base legal office Jan. 5 on Ramstein. Ramstein’s Tax Center is located at the base legal office, where volunteers and Airmen work to ensure active-duty members are provided with the tax assistance they need.

Filing taxes, whether for the first or 30th time, can be a time-consuming and confusing task for anyone. To alleviate some of the stress, volunteers and Airmen from the Ramstein Tax Center are here to make sure active-duty members are provided with the tax assistance they need.

Last year, more than 1,100 KMC members filed their tax returns through the tax center and received more than $2 million in federal returns. Volunteers at the tax center help active-duty military members save approximately $230,000 in fees each year.

Starting in February, the tax center will be offering appointments to active-duty enlisted members with a paygrade of E-1 to E-5 and officers with a paygrade of O-1 to O-3.

“If you’ve never done your taxes on your own before or you’re not quite sure what to do, there’s someone here at the tax center that can answer your questions and set you up for success,” said Master Sgt. Jennifer Hendrix, 86th Airlift Wing Judge Advocate general law NCO in charge.

In addition to regular appointments, for those eligible, there will be four days out of the tax season dedicated to helping retired active-duty military members and deployed Airmen and their families within the KMC file their taxes.

“Filing taxes for the first time can be overwhelming, and without help, tax season can stress any unexperienced individual,” said Airman 1st Class Tyler Schultz, 86th Communications Squadron cyber transport technician. “I believe the services the tax center is providing us is giving us the opportunity to turn a burden into an affluence.”

Clients come in with many different situations and questions, and the tax center is equipped to help guide you through them.

“We can walk them through what seems to be scary, show them what all the forms mean, and hope that they’ll leave feeling confident with their financial responsibility,” said Capt. Chelsea Perdue, 86 AW legal office chief of legal assistance.

The tax center is currently looking for volunteers, so Team Ramstein members who are good with numbers or who just want to learn something new can volunteer to help thousands of KMC members file taxes.

Volunteers assisting customers are required to attend a weeklong IRS-run course that teaches the basics of tax filing. The class takes place from Tuesday to Jan. 20, and volunteers will need to make a minimum three-hour commitment every two weeks.

To become a volunteer or to make an appointment, call the tax center at 480-1040.

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