Kaiserslautern Military Community’s Family Housing OFF-Base Housing
Take advantage of the Housing Referral Office’s assistance, knowledge and expertise. If you are stumped and require guidance, the HRO can provide you with assistance with your rental contract.
Services provided
The KMC Housing Flight continues to provide off-base referral services with:
- Translations/interpretations when dealing with the landlord, pertaining to your rental contract.
- General information on military housing allowances
- Listings of private local rental housing using https://www.homes.mil
(HOMES.mil is a service designed to connect service members and their families with community housing rental listings located near U.S. military bases) - Assistance in locating an off-base home
- Assistance with rental negotiations
- Assistance in obtaining furniture and appliance support
- Assistance with tenant and landlord complaints
- Assistance when dealing with utility bills
- Assistance with the final-out inspection of premises with tenant and property owner
If you need legal assistance: Assistance can be obtained through your base installation Legal Assistance Office.
HRO personnel are available to assist with mediation of landlord/tenant disputes. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved, members will be referred to the Legal Office for guidance. Ultimately, disputes that cannot be resolved through assisted mediation must be resolved through the German legal system.