PCS in/out? Personnel residing off base can only deliver materials generated at home 60 days after arrival or if they are finalizing a PCS move and have PCS orders with them at the time of delivery.
Please contact the following recycling centers for additional information:
Ramstein Recycle Center:
- Bldg# 2045, North of the Southside Fitness Center
- COM: 0162-2903316
Kapaun/Vogelweh Recycle Center:
- Bldg# 2820, Across from Vehicle Registration
- DSN: 480-4191 or COM: 01739192184
Landstuhl Recycle Center:
- Bldg# 93701, Near Barracks Bldg 3707
- DSN: 486-6881 or COM: 06317-86-6881
For any other housing questions/concerns, please email us at
KMCHousing@us.af.mil or call:
Assistance Section: DSN: 314-489-6672, COM: 0631-536-6672
Facilities Section, on-base: DSN: 314-489-7108, COM: 0631-536-7108
Housing Referral Office, off-base:
DSN: 314-489-6643/6659, COM: 0631-536-6643/6659
Furnishings Management Section:
DSN: 314-489-6001, COM: 0631-536-6001
You can also follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KMCHousingOffice/