How to pursue a career in cybersecurity

86th Communications Squadron Wing
Cybersecurity Office

The number of cybersecurity jobs across the nation outpaces the number of people qualified to fill them. The demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals is growing each year. The current cybersecurity workforce is expected to need an additional 1.8 million workers by 2022, which is a 20 percent increase from 2015 projections.

From young students learning to code to teachers promoting educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math and working professionals preparing for certifications, there is a role in cybersecurity for everyone.

The best place to go for researching careers in cybersecurity is the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies, a one-stop shop for cybersecurity careers and studies. Visited by nearly 30,000 people monthly, NICCS houses cybersecurity training, formal education, and workforce development related resources.

NICCS provides access to information ranging from the NICCS Education and Training Catalog, which connects the public to more than 3,000 cybersecurity courses offered across the nation, to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Cybersecurity Workforce Framework, which provides a common language to speak about cybersecurity roles and jobs and helps define professional requirements in cybersecurity.

There are limitless opportunities to educate students of all ages — from high school into higher education and beyond — on the field of cybersecurity as they consider their options. In addition, veterans and individuals who are looking for a new career or re-entering the workforce, should explore the multitude of well-paying and rewarding jobs available.

To learn more about training and career transition resources for Veterans, visit

If you have further questions, contact your unit cybersecurity liaison or the 86th Communications Squadron Wing Cybersecurity Office at 480-3438 or 06371-47-3438.