HQ Allied Air Command annual award winners

The Headquarters Allied Air Command Ramstein U.S. annual awards luncheon was held March 9 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club to recognize and honor the outstanding Airman, NCO, Senior NCO, company and field grade officers of the year. 

The luncheon was hosted by Col. Christopher Weggeman, senior U.S. representative, Chief Master Sgt. Mark Delaney, chief enlisted manager, and the TEAM Council.  
Award winners have distinguished themselves as the best of the best, and will go forward to compete at Allied Command Operations level.  Annual awards were presented to:
Airman of the Year — Staff Sgt. Andrew Tucker, Support Group
NCO of the Year  — Tech. Sgt. Michael Edgar, Sector Ramstein NATO CIS Services Agency
SNCO of the Year  — Senior Master Sgt. Leon Palmer, Support Group
Company Grade Officer of the Year — Capt. Michael Ridley, Logistics Division
Field Grade Officer of the Year — Maj. Michael Pagano, Intel Division