In appreciation of 70 years of partnership

On behalf of the men and women of the 86th Airlift Wing, our leadership team would like to thank our host nation for your steadfast friendship and support for 70 unprecedented years.

Each year as we reflect on our enduring partnership, we develop a stronger sense of appreciation for your hospitality and support to our installation.  Generations upon generations of Americans have lived and served alongside German civilians and military personnel.  These relationships underscore the inherent trust, respect and mutual support that exists throughout our communities and undoubtedly enables the success of our missions.

During Operation Allies Refuge, the largest non-combatant evacuation operation in history, Germany offered indispensable support to the mission. Not only did you help provide aid as we established safe havens on base, but local surrounding communities immediately mobilized and donated food and clothing for more than 35,000 Afghan evacuees.

Even as the world grappled with an ongoing pandemic, you bolstered Ramstein’s COVID-19 mitigation efforts to administer hundreds of COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters to base personnel.

Through these challenges and countless others, your overwhelming support remains invaluable to Ramstein Air Base’s mission and the U.S. Air Force’s success.

To our German hosts: It is a great honor and privilege to work alongside you. As we celebrate 70 years, I look forward to the future where our partnership, bound together by common core values — freedom, democracy, and equality — stands the test of time.

Otis C. Jones

Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force

Commander, 86th Airlift Wing

Ramstein Air Base

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