Jazz festival takes place at Nanstein Castle

by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Courtesy photos The Burg Jazz music festival at Nanstein Castle kicks off at 7 p.m. July 24 with one of Europe’s top jazz bands, Les Zauto Stompers from Paris.
Courtesy photos
The Burg Jazz music festival at Nanstein Castle kicks off at 7 p.m. July 24 with one of Europe’s top jazz bands, Les Zauto Stompers from Paris.

Nanstein Castle in Landstuhl will be the stage for the annual “Burg Jazz” music festival July 24 and 25. For the 18th year, the Unnerhaus Culture Club will present six bands performing big band jazz, rock, blues, Dixieland and pop music.

”Our Burg Jazz music festival in Landstuhl will again fascinate with high quality world musicians inside the atmospheric courtyard of Nanstein Castle,” said Willi Ningelgen, a UCC member. “Like in recent years we expect visitors from the KMC, Germany and Europe, who will find their way to Nanstein Castle.”

The festival will kick off at 7 p.m. July 24 with one of Europe’s top jazz bands, Les Zauto Stompers from Paris. The quintet is known to perform authentic Dixieland jazz in fancy outfits at “old jazz” festivals throughout France, Germany and other European countries.

They will be followed by the top act of Friday evening, the Jaworek-Reinhardt Ensemble with singer Ms. Djulia from Russia performing Sinti jazz as well as French musette, Hungarian folk and Latin American rhythms.

The first festival day will come to a close around midnight with an after-show party highlighting regional stars. Smitty, Molli and Corinna will play a variety of blues, rock and soul music in the castle battery tower.

On July 25, Burg Jazz will continue at 5 p.m. with ULIsses from the Kaiserslautern area. The jazz band has played together with vibraphone, piano, bass and percussion since 2006.

“ULIsses combines a multitude of styles with Latin jazz, bebop, cool jazz as well as swing and modern jazz,” Ninglegen said. “In addition, the group works on new arrangements with strong percussion support by Conga drums, timbales and bongo drums in an exceptional quality.”

At 7 p.m., Peter Bühr and his Flat Foot Stompers start performing. Bühr together with Andy Lawrence, cornet and vocals, Thomas Oehme, trombone, and Peter Starkmann, guitar, founded a new formation of the original 38-year-old band. They were nominated the most successful band at the Olymp Jazz festival in Bietigheim-Bissingen.

The Allotria Jazzband from Munich will be the next international top act at 9:30 p.m. The popular band often tours the U.S. and Canada and is known as one of the most distinguished groups in the traditional jazz scene in Europe. Seven soloists present compositions from the 1920s and 1930s; they are influenced by members of big bands and orchestras including Louis Armstrong, Ellington and Condon, Bud Freeman, Dick Cary, Wild Bill Davison, Harold Ashby and Ralph Sutton as well as Warren Vache and Scott Hamilton, members of the Benny Goodman Septet from the 1970s.

The second festival day will close out around midnight with the Allotria Jazzband and Friends in the castle battery tower playing various music styles.

Tickets will be available at the entrance to Nanstein Castle in Landstuhl. The single day tickets cost €20 and the two-day festival ticket is €43. Children under 12 are admitted free.

“Our advance tickets are several euros cheaper and are available at Boehm bookstore at the Landstuhl train station, or at www.unnerhaus-kulturclub.de/burgjazz,” Ningelgen said.

“We, the Unnerhaus Culture Club, are a non-profit organization and proceeds are only being used for cultural events,” he continued. “We hope we chose the right bands again and the weather will be fine.”

Car parking is in easy walking distance to the castle. Drinks and food will be served.

The Jaworek-Reinhardt Ensemble, with singer Ms. Djulia from Russia, perform Sinti jazz as well as French musette, Hungarian folk and Latin American rhythms, July 24 during the Burg Jazz music festival at Nanstein Castle.
The Jaworek-Reinhardt Ensemble, with singer Ms. Djulia from Russia, perform Sinti jazz as well as French musette, Hungarian folk and Latin American rhythms, July 24 during the Burg Jazz music festival at Nanstein Castle.
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