JMPC returns Eurocorps members to Ramstein

by Senior Airman Whitney Stork
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Ramstein is the focal point for deployment travel for the U.S., North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Eurocorps because of the capabilities of the Joint Mobility Processing Center.

The JMPC processes numerous units to be able to get to and from a deployed location as quickly and efficiently as possible. The most recent unit processed through was Eurcocorps troops after returning from a year-long deployment to Kabul, Afghanistan.

The force deployed troops last January in support of the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul. The Eurocorps is a multinational army corps for the European Union and the Alliance.

“This is a good location with incredible facilities, particularly in the processing capability, and a history of working with United States Air Forces in Europe here at Ramstein,” said 2nd Lt. Gregory Souder, deployment division officer in charge.
After their return, the 721st Air Mobility Squadron dropped the baggage off with the JMPC to help coordinate a customs check. Airmen of the 86th Airlift Wing moved the pallets around for the customs agents and, if needed, repalletized the Eurocorps gear.

“One of the 86th logistics planners is lead for the whole mission and coordinates a bus to get the Eurocorps members off the plane and to the JMPC, customs check, USO support and the overall directing of the members working with the highest ranking members,” said Souder. A lead logistics planner preps for a mission as soon as the International Development Research Center is notified of a movement.

“Our sharp Airmen accomplish the prep work nearly right away and just keep tabs on the mission for changes,” said Souder. “After the respective Eurocorps transportation arrives and customs is through with their mission, the support is through.”

The 86th AW supports countless large-scale missions a year, requiring 12 military affiliates to coordinate and execute their arrival or departure for more than an hour each time.

“Support like this has high visibility and is a great show of support and unity among allies,” said Souder. “A good relationship between Eurocorps and NATO is vital to operations in USAFE.”

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