Job Shadow Day

Job Shadow Day is led by the National Job Shadow Coalition and is an academically motivating activity designed to give children an up-close look at the working world.
The nationwide kickoff held Tuesday will continue throughout the school year, when students across America will “shadow” workplace mentors as they go through a
normal day on the job.

The program invites students to see firsthand how the skills learned in school relate to the workplace.

Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe staff along with their 86th Airlift Wing counterparts and all KMC military and civilian organizations will observe Job Shadow Day April 22, also known as “Bring your Sons and Daughters to Work Day.”
All Department of Defense and home-schooled students are invited to attend various events throughout the KMC in an effort to provide children with an opportunity to see how skills learned in the classroom are put to use in the

Job Shadow Day in the KMC gives children a chance to explore various careers beyond what their parents may do for a living.

KMC students have an advantage over their stateside peers as they can gain firsthand hand knowledge of international relations and customs, which is an invaluable skill as we progress in a mass globalization effort.

Many units have enthusiastically volunteered to invite students to visit their facilities. A complete listing of all participating units and JSD activities will be available in future KA articles.

Parents should obtain their supervisor’s approval before bringing their child to the workplace. If your unit or office is interested in participating in Job Shadow Day, call 489-6771 or e-mail

(Information courtesy of Rena Palmer)