Junior class looking for fundraiser volunteers

by Meghan Augsburger
Ramstein High School intern

It’s crunch time again for the junior class at Ramstein High School. Prom is a few months away and funds still need to be raised.

The junior class officers, including President Joshua Seawell and Vice President Rachel Plescha, are not wasting any time gathering all they can before ticket sales begin.

“The truth is, prom is expensive,” Seawell said. “We’ve been fundraising all year and will continue to so we can pay for it.”

At football and basketball games, volunteers have been selling popcorn and collecting admission payments. Additionally, they showed their support for the high school by selling spirit bows and bands as well.

Around the holidays, the junior class advertised a “pie day” and sold hot chocolate at the Christkindlmarkt, an annual Christmas market held at the school where clubs sold Christmas merchandise and food.

Twice before that, they raised money baby-sitting at the high school and at Armstrong’s Club. Parents who wanted a night out had the option to drop off their children for a few hours with junior class volunteers.

Last week, students worked on their “Mr. Ramstein” project, a mock pageant for eligible high school males where contestants dressed in different outfits, showed their talents and answered various questions.

On Feb. 27, the preliminary competition started and each student interested in watching paid a $1 admission fee.

The final competition culminated March 1. The money raised goes toward prom expenses.

All funds have not been raised solely by the junior class though.

“We’ve received donations from the (Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club) and (Ramstein Enlisted Spouses’ Association), for which we’re very thankful,” Seawell said.

Students will also raise money by working at the student store for three weeks. The student store allows clubs to sell donated drinks and food to the student body during lunch. Due to lack of space, only three to four people are able to work at a time.

On April 13 and 14, the junior class will hold a bake sale at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center. In May, they’ll be bagging groceries alongside the National Honor Society at the Ramstein Commissary.

Any volunteering for the junior class is rewarded by a point system. Volunteers can receive points for the work they’ve done depending on the event and time spent doing the activity. The top three point earners each receive a free prom ticket.

“We put the point system in as an incentive to gain more volunteers and class participation,” Plescha said. “Any support we can get will help.”

Without the help of volunteers, the cost of prom will remain high. So far, the junior class is only a few thousand short of their $15,000 goal. Once they reach it, ticket sales will cover the remaining expenses.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, visit the junior class website at http://rhsjuniorclass.weebly.com or email the junior class officers at rhsprom@hotmail.com.