‘Kaiserslautern on Ice’ lures ice skaters today to Feb. 11

by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Photo courtesy of the City of Kaiserslautern Ice skaters have fun on the mobile ice skating rink in the event hall on Kaiserslautern’s Gartenschau today through Feb. 15.
Photo courtesy of the City of Kaiserslautern
Ice skaters have fun on the mobile ice skating rink in the event hall on Kaiserslautern’s Gartenschau today through Feb. 15.

This is the time for enthusiastic ice skaters to prepare for the opening of the “Kaiserslautern on Ice” season, which starts today. For the seventh year, a mobile ice-skating rink will be set up in the event hall of the Kaiserslautern Gartenschau. The annual ice-skating season will run through Feb. 11.

The official opening at 6 p.m. today will include a show program, and visitors can test the rink for a reduced price of €2.

Daily skating hours are 9 a.m. to noon; 1 to 3 p.m.; 4 to 6 p.m.; and 7 to 9 p.m. On Friday and Saturday nights, skating hours are extended until 10 p.m.

Admission is €2.50 for children and €3.50 for adults.

Throughout the skating season a diversified program will be offered.

Santa Claus will make his appearance on ice and pass out gifts to children Dec. 6, when German observe “Nikolaustag,” or “Santa Claus Day.”

Every Friday afternoon, inexperienced skaters under 14 can make their first steps on the ice with a licensed instructor. The skating rink also offers penguins as training aids for beginners for €2 per hour.

To warm up cold fingers, rest the feet, take a break and have a snack, or watch ice-skaters, visitors can sit down in the restaurant area next to the ice surface.

School classes who want to spend their field trip or their sports lesson on the mobile ice-skating rink can register and agree on different skating times. For details and registration, call 0631-710-0765.

Children can have their birthday parties on the rink and the bistro will offer reasonable kids’ menues.

Those who don’t have their own ice skates can rent some for €3.50 from the rental store, which also offers the sharpening of skates.

For details, pick up the flyer from the Tourist Information office next to the Fruchthalle building on Fruchthallstrasse. Flyers can also be found in local stores and restaurants.

For updates and news, visit www.kl-on-ice.de, www.facebook.de/kl-on-ice, or www.kaiserslautern.de.

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