KMC Blotter

Feb. 8

9:15 a.m.:

In Ramstein-Miesenbach, an unsecured motor vehicle/motorcycle was reported stolen.

9:20 p.m.:

At Gate 9, near the Vogelweh Family Housing, the gate leader reported a driver operating a motor vehicle without a USAREUR license.

Feb. 9

5:10 a.m.:

A Soldier was traveling west bound near Martinshöhe when he lost control of his vehicle and slid off the road. A local national was also traveling west bound and slid off the road as well, colliding with the first vehicle, causing both vehicles to roll over.

8:32 a.m.:

 A vehicle was broken into in the city of Ramstein-Miesenbach. Investigation revealed unknown persons by unknown means unlawfully removed and damaged approximately $1,500 worth of property.

Feb. 10

11:30 a.m.:

In the Vogelweh Family Housing, two individuals were involved in a verbal altercation that turned physical after one threw the other individual’s phone against a wall.

1:31 a.m.:

Investigation revealed that a family member purchased gasoline from the Shoppette on Pulaski Barracks and departed without rendering proper payment.

Feb. 11

1:33 p.m.:

A secured vehicle in Reuschbach was broken into, leaving the car without several high valued items, including a GPS, Coach purses, and wedding bands.

6:45 p.m.:

While on Vogelweh Family Housing, a family member of a Soldier stated via Facebook to another Soldier that she wanted to harm him, and then she stated she was going to harm herself.

Feb. 12

1:31 a.m.:

Investigation revealed a family member shoplifted from the KMCC, most of which was cosmetics.

5 a.m.:

An Airman was apprehended by Polizei for drunken driving when his vehicle was going the wrong direction down a one-way street.

6:23 a.m.:

An Airman was apprehended for drunken driving and disorderly conduct for kicking parked vehicles, causing damages. The Airman then resisted apprehension by Polizei.

Feb. 13

1:28 a.m.:

Near Armstrong’s Club on Vogelweh, an Airman and a local national were involved in a verbal altercation which then turned physical.

11:35 a.m.:

A Soldier was apprehended for drunken driving by Polizei in Glan-Münchweiler for abandoning his vehicle on autobahn A62.

UCMJ Actions

Article 15 Actions:

» 309th Airlift Squadron Commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice to a staff sergeant for violation of Article 92, dereliction of duty.  Commander imposed punishment of suspended reduction to senior Airman, forfeiture of $500.00 pay for two months, restriction for 30 days, 10 days extra duty, and a reprimand.

» 86th Medical Support Squadron Commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice to a senior Airman for two violations of Article 86, absence without leave, and one violation of Article 92, dereliction of duty.  Commander imposed punishment reduction to Airman 1st class and 15 days extra duty.

» 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice to a senior Airman for violation of Article 92, failure to obey an order or regulation.  Commander imposed punishment of suspended reduction to Airman basic, forfeiture of $411.00 pay for two months, 30 days extra duty, and a reprimand.

» 721st Aerial Port Squadron Commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice to an Airman 1st class for violation of Article 92, dereliction of duty.  Commander imposed punishment of suspended reduction to Airman and a reprimand.

» Courts-Martial:  All courts-martial are open to the public.  For information on upcoming courts-martial contact the Ramstein Military Justice Office at 480-5841.

AADD Statistics

Feb. 11 — 20 volunteers, 12 calls, 30 lives potentially saved

Feb. 12 — 23 volunteers, 8 calls, 20 lives potentially saved

Reported Larcenies

Feb. 8

» Kollweiler:

one GPS, one MP3 player, one vehicle key.

» Kottweiler-Schwanden:

one racing seat, engine system, oil pressure display, boost, CD radio.

Feb. 9

» Landstuhl:

one GPS, vehicle ash tray, headlight, credit card, fuel card fleece jacket, ABU top.

» Queidersbach:

left rear wheel base from a 2006 Jeep.

Feb. 10

» Ramstein-Miesenbach:

one wallet, ID card, drivers license, debit card, vehicle registration, money.

» Spesbach:

one GPS, digital camera, iPod Nano, three credit cards, three social security cards, money.