KMC Blotter

9:13 p.m.: Larceny of government property was reported in Vogelweh Family Housing. Estimated cost of loss was approximately $10,000.

5:30 p.m.: Larceny of unsecured government and private property was reported in Vogelweh Family Housing.

12:56 a.m.: A DUI was reported in Ramstein-Miesenbach after a motorist tested positive for alcohol.

Eagle Eyes: A suspicious individual, approximately 6-foot-2-inches, 220 to 240 pounds with dark brown hair and a thick mustache, was reported in Kindsbach. The suspect reportedly said, “You need to watch out, you’re targeted. I could have killed you.”

3:02 a.m.: A DUI was reported in Ramstein-Miesenbach after a motorist was administered a blood alcohol test by Polizei that turned up positive for alcohol.

5 p.m.: A break-in and larceny of private property was reported in Hochspeyer.

» A family member was barred from all U.S. military installations in Europe for his involvement in incidents of fraud.

» A civilian was terminated from work and barred from all U.S. military installations in Europe for his involvement in drunken and reckless driving, breach of arrest, and damage to property.

» A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice, to an airman 1st class for violation of Article 86, failure to go. The commander imposed punishment of suspended reduction to airman and 45 days extra duty.

» A squadron commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to an airman 1st class for violation of Article 86, going from place of duty. The commander imposed punishment of reduction to the grade of airman, suspended forfeiture of $822 pay, 30 days extra duty and a reprimand.

» A group commander administered non-judicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, to a lieutenant colonel for violation of Article 95, resisting arrest, two violations of Article 128, assault, Article 134, communicating a threat, and Article 134, drunk and disorderly. The commander imposed punishment of forfeiture of $4,035 pay per month for two months and a reprimand.

March 16 — 33 volunteers, 12 calls, 21 lives potentially saved.
March 17 — 16 volunteers, 23 calls, 63 lives potentially saved.

» Vogelweh Family Housing: one gray Nike backpack, one black Coach purse, one black Coach wallet, one Bank of America credit card, one Service Credit Union debit card, one Service Credit Union Master Card, one BLS card, $100, €30, one TomTom navigation system with window mount and charging cable, wireless headphones, one Epi pen, one Command Access Card, one LRMC access card, one iPod Nano, one watch, one North Carolina certificate of license, one black Nokia cell phone with charging cable, two pairs of green reading glasses, one bottle of antidepressants with 60 pills and one bottle of stomach pills.

» Hochspeyer: one Compaq laptop, one Mac mini and one iPad.