OCT. 21
6:45 a.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Siegelbach.
10 p.m.: An attempted house break-in and damage to private property were reported in Weilerbach.
OCT. 22
12 p.m.: Vehicle theft was reported in Landstuhl.
6:45 p.m.: A house break-in was reported in Kaiserslautern.
10:50 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern.
11 p.m.: Drunken driving was reported on Vogelweh.
OCT. 23
3:48 a.m.: An assault was reported in Kaiserslautern.
11:40 a.m.: The location of a controlled substance was reported on Vogelweh.
3 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern.
9:15 p.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Mackenbach.
OCT. 24
2:35 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern.
4:10 a.m.: An assault and damage to private property were reported in Kaiserslautern.
10:10 a.m.: A domestic disturbance and assault were reported on Vogelweh.
10 p.m.: Damage to private property and stolen license plates were reported on Vogelweh.
OCT. 25
7:10 a.m.: Failure to obey a lawful order was reported in Kaiserslautern.
OCT. 26
7 a.m.: An assault was reported in Weselberg.
Reported Larcenies
OCT. 22
Landstuhl — One vehicle
OCT. 24
Waldmohr — One U.S. Army Europe license plate