KMC Events and Notices – Oct. 16, 2015


• In an effort to better serve the beneficiaries of the 86th Medical Group, the following is a forecast of clinic closures due to U.S. holidays and mandatory training days: Nov. 11 (Veterans Day); Nov. 12 (MDG training day, closed from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.); Nov. 26 (Thanksgiving); Nov. 27 (Family Day); Dec. 10 (MDG training Day, closed from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.); Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve); Dec. 25 (Christmas); and Dec. 31 (New Year’s Eve). This forecast will be amended when applicable. As the clinic improves its processes, they welcome customer feedback. To provide feedback, contact Maj. Janelle Quinn, 86th MDG practice manager at 479-2687 or

• The KMC Housing Office and the Furnishings Management Office will close at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday due to training. Customer service hours will resume Thursday. For more information, call 489-6672.

• Galaxy Avenue will experience road closures to repair portions of the roadway. The construction will occur in phases: the south half Wednesday to Nov. 4 and the north half Nov. 5 to 18. Full closures will occur on the south half Nov. 4 and the north half Nov. 18. Traffic will be detoured toward Maxwell and Harmon avenues. Slight traffic delays in the immediate area may be expected. Motorists should plan accordingly and exercise extreme caution due to proximity of heavy construction traffic.

No more midnight meals

The Rheinland Inn Dining Facility no longer offers midnight meal service. All personnel requiring ground meal support may utilize the Jawbone Flight Kitchen on Ramstein, Bldg. 3332. The dining facility’s new hours of operation are as follows: breakfast 6 to 8 a.m.; lunch 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; dinner 5 to 7 p.m. For details, call the Rheinland Inn Dining Facility Manager at 480-3416 or the Food Service Section at 480-1738.

ROP Line updated

The Ramstein Out-Processing Line will be consolidating a phase 1 and 2 schedule into one briefing. The ROP briefing is designed to assist members with their transition from Ramstein to their new duty location. This briefing is most beneficial if members attend six months from their date of estimated return from overseas and/or at the time of assignment notification, whichever is earlier. ROP is held every Monday at 8:30 a.m. ROP is not held during shortened weeks due to a holiday or family day. No preregistration is required. For details, email or call 480-6559.

Vehicle registration payments

The electronic payment system at the Kapaun Vehicle Registration Office is currently inoperable and patrons will be unable to pay for services with debit or credit cards. All customers should have another means of payment, check or money order, for all transactions requiring payment. Cash payment cannot be accepted. The payment system is not expected to be back online until the end of October. For more information, contact the Kapaun Vehicle Registration Office at 489-7729/7542 or 0631-536-7729/7542.

KMC-wide nursing skills fair

A nursing skills fair is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. today in the Heaton Auditorium at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. The fair will have 10 information stations and 24 skill stations. Station examples include Da Vinci Surgical System information, tracheostomy care, Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners information, Aeromedical Evacuation and Critical Care Air Transport Team patient packing, litter carries and patient transport. In addition to Army nurses, combat medics, Air Force nurses and medical technicians, and Navy nurses and corpsmen, LRMC is extending an invitation to all health care units within the KMC, including the 30th Medical Brigade, 86th Medical Squadron, and Department of Defense and Red Cross nursing and medical technician staff. For more information, call 590-5243 or 06371-9464-5243.

Gen. Douglas MacArthur award

U.S. Army Europe is seeking nominees for the 2015 General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award. Two company grade officers and a junior warrant officer will be selected to compete for the award at the Army level. USAREUR Brigade-level or higher commands should submit nomination packets by Nov. 1 to USAREUR G1 Awards and Actions Branch. For more information, call 537-1147/1148/1141 or visit

Vehicle safety inspections

Winter is coming and Pulaski Automotive Center is offering free vehicle safety inspections in celebration of Vehicle Safety Day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 30 at Pulaski Barracks Automotive Skills Center, Bldg. 2859. Make sure that your vehicle fits all of the safety standards to ensure that you stay safe on the roads. Mechanics will spend a minimum of 10 minutes per vehicle reviewing all components to ensure that your vehicle can properly pass an inspection and drive safely on the road. Open to all ID cardholders. For more information, call 493-4167 or 0631-3406-4167.

Sales in housing

Yard and garage sales in family housing are permitted on Saturdays only. Parking issues and disturbance to neighbors are reasons to terminate sales. Residents may not use signs to advertise sales anywhere within the KMC housing areas. For details, call Karen Carbon at 489-7108.

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