KMC housing inspections in April

Beginning Thursday, the KMC Housing Office will begin inspecting yards and exterior areas. Each building is responsible for midway between adjacent buildings or up to 50 feet (normally) from the dwelling and to the center of the street. Residents will be expected to adhere to the inspection standards.  They include the following guidelines:

 1) Lawn and parking areas must be kept free of debris (paper, cans, candy wrappers, etc.).  Additionally, items such as tires, car batteries or other miscellaneous hazards must be removed and disposed of properly. 

 2) Grass and weeds shall be removed from cracks in sidewalks, steps, parking spaces and door steps.

 3)  Grass shall be watered regularly to maintain a green and healthy appearance.

 4)  Shrubs located around and adjacent to the building must be kept neatly trimmed and not be allowed to contact the exterior wall of the unit. 

 5)  Trimming trees at ground level is also the resident’s responsibility.Tree cutting above the first story will be accomplished by the civil engineers.
 6)  Grass cutting, trimming and edging responsibilities vary.  If you reside in a multi-unit complex, a contractor has been hired to accomplish your mowing and edging.  If you reside in a townhouse, each resident is responsible for their assigned yard.