KMC Notices and Events – April 1, 2016


The KMC Housing Office and Furnishings Management Section will close at 11:30 a.m. April 13 due to training. Customer service hours will resume April 14.

Traffic impacts on A6

On Monday, road construction will start on A6 between Kaiserslautern-West and Ramstein. Traffic bound to exit Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof will be detoured via interchange Landstuhl using the opposite lane. Traffic entering A6 towards Mannheim will be detoured via Kaiserslautern-West and enter A6 towards Saarbruecken. Construction will replace blacktop surface, thereafter new traffic striping will be applied. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of May. Traffic will be restrained during time of construction, and motorists are asked for their understanding.

New opening hours

Landstuhl Tourist Information will have new opening hours starting today. Hours will be 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Mondays to Fridays and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays.

CFC-O coin design contest

The annual 2016 Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas Coin Design Contest is underway and open to all Department of Defense employees and family members. The contest is held to create a 2016 CFC-O coin design that embodies the spirit of the campaign “Show some Love.” The chosen design will be featured on a commemorative coin distributed to select contributors during the 2016 CFC-O this fall. Coin design submissions for the 2016 campaign season will be accepted from eligible participants electronically in JPEG or PDF formats through Monday. ID card required for verification. Interested designers can obtain detailed instructions and submission guidelines by visiting

Gate hours change

Beginning Wednesday, Gate 9 on Vogelweh Military Family Housing will close temporarily for construction. To accommodate the increase of traffic, Gate 10, next to Vogelweh Child Development Center, will open for outbound traffic only from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.

Dental volunteer program

The Ramstein Dental Clinic will start the American Red Cross Dental Assistant Volunteer Program April 25. The course will be held from 6:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday for seven months. This program is open to dependent ID cardholders with a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants must attend the mass briefing at 3:30 p.m. Monday in the Ramstein Dental Clinic, Bldg. 301. Interviews will be conducted Wednesday and Thursday, and notification of selection will be announced April 8. Participants will inprocess April 11 through 22. Applicants must be dedicated, motivated and up-to-date on all immunizations. Further information, applications and interview slots will be given at the mass briefing. Volunteers will be full time from the start date. For more information, call 479-2210, 06371-46-2096, 479-2056 or 06371-46-2056.

CFC pastoral coordinator bids

The Ramstein North Chapel is accepting bids for the Ramstein Catholic Faith Community pastoral coordinator. This contract position is responsible for overall calendar development and programming, budget development and tracking, data management, publicity for all ministries and the Liturgies of the CFC. Proposal and bid package can be picked up between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. through April 15 at the Ramstein North Chapel, Bldg. 1201. Bids are due by 4 p.m. on April 15. For more information, contact the contract officer at 480-6148 or 06371-74-6148.

Volunteers needed

The Ramstein Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month committee is soliciting a diverse group of volunteers to assist with conducting June Pride Month observance events. If you would like to help out, call 479-2580.

Blood drive

The Armed Services Blood Program will sponsor a community blood drive from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Ramstein Community Center. To reserve an appointment time and for more information, email

Retiring in Germany briefing

The next retiring in Germany briefing will be conducted by the 86th Air Wing Retiree Activities Office from 10 a.m. to noon April 28 on Ramstein in Bldg. 2120, room 102. To register, contact RAO at 480-5486 or

Ramstein Tax Center

The Ramstein Legal Center’s Tax Center, Bldg. 2137, is now open through June 15. Active duty members, dependents and retirees can call 480-1040 or 06371-47-1040 to schedule an appointment with a tax representative. Individuals are required to bring all tax documents to their scheduled appointment.

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