KMC Notices and Events – Aug. 14, 2015


• The 86th Munitions Squadron will conduct a 100 percent munitions stockpile inventory Sept. 7 to 11. During this time, the munitions storage area will be closed to all account custodians. Only emergency issue requests approved by the respective group commander may be submitted.

• The Ramstein Clinic will forecast a closure on Sept. 10 for a training day. As the clinic improves its processes, they welcome customer feedback. To provide feedback, contact Maj. Janelle Quinn, 86th MDG group practice manager at 479-2687 or

• The exit for Pirmasens (A62) coming from A6 heading toward Saarbrücken will be closed until Sept. 16. To reach Landstuhl Regional Medical Center from A6 there are two options:

Take the Landstuhl Ost exit (exit 13) to downtown Landstuhl. From downtown Landstuhl on the main street, Kaiserstrasse, follow the white signs for U.S. Hospital and other signs for Bann, Mittelbrunn and Burg Nanstein. The U.S. Hospital signs will guide motorists toward signs for Gate 3 and Dr. Hitzelberger Strasse.

Take the A62 exit toward Trier, then take the first exit, Hütschenhausen, and get back on A62 in the other direction toward Pirmasens.

Coming from Ramstein Air Base, motorists can take the back road toward Hütschenhausen and get on A62 in the direction for Pirmasens.

International volksmarch

The Ski and Hiking Friends Lambsborn will sponsor the 39th International Volksmarch Aug. 22 and 23. Starting times for the 6 km, 10 km and 20 km routes will be from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 22 and from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 23. The starting location will be the community hall, Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, in Lambsborn on Am Fehrborn. Showers will be available for use. For details, visit

Horse race in Miesau

The Miesau Riding Club will sponsor its 57th horse race with electronic betting starting at 2 p.m. Aug. 23 at the race track between Miesau and Hütschenhausen. Admission is €4 for adults. Children are free. For details, visit

Volunteers needed for bazaar

The 51st Ramstein Bazaar is in need of volunteers from Sept. 16 to 20. Volunteers will have the option to work in hangar setup, hospitality or finance. Descriptions for each time slot are detailed on the sign-up pages at If you are not available to work a four-hour shift, there are opportunities to make donations of prepared food items. If you have a group of seven or more people that want to volunteer together, contact the staffing coordinator at Everyone who signs up to volunteer will receive an invitation to Red Carpet Shopping from 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 16. The bazaar grounds will open to the public at 10 a.m. Sept 17 on the Ramstein flightline.

School bus safety

School bus safety guidelines for students and parents:

• Be on time; walk, don’t run to your bus stop

• Use crosswalks when crossing the street

• Arrive five minutes before bus arrives

• Wait for the bus three steps back from the curb

• Stay out of the danger zone

• Show your bus pass each morning and afternoon

• Take your seat and fasten your seat belt

• Follow the 10 School Bus Rules

• Parents: pickup and drop off children at the front door

• Traffic does not stop while loading and unloading students

• Know your children’s route to and from the bus stop

• Stress good student behavior on the bus

• Report your safety concerns to your community school bus office

Air Force recruiters needed

Motivated recruiters are needed to help shape the future of the Air Force Reserve. The Recruit-the-Recruiter program is designed to identify Airmen who have prior active-duty Air Force recruiting experience and have what it takes to support the mission of the Air Force Reserve Recruiting Service. Those interested in becoming a recruiter, call Senior Master Sgt. Roger Haynes at 314-480-2326 or email

Bike registration

The 86th Security Forces Squadron and the German Polizei will hold a bicycle registration program for the KMC from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday near the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center’s main entrance on Ramstein. A registration number will be engraved in an inconspicuous location on bicycles which will aid law enforcement personnel in identifying lost or stolen bicycles. The service is free for all bicycles in a household and owners will receive a registration certificate which is unique to the bicycles. Upon sale or transfer of the bicycle to a new owner, the registration certificate would also be transferrable. For more information, contact 86th SFS investigator Uwe Borst at 480-3387 or 06371-47-3387.

CSAF reading list PDS

The Kisling NCO Academy will host a Chief of Staff of the Air Force Reading List Professional Development Seminar Oct. 8. There will be six different books and movies to select from throughout the morning and afternoon sessions. Focus will be on the CSAF Reading List because each selection for 2015 tells an important story about the Profession of Army and Air Force core values. Attendees are encouraged to read or watch the book or movie prior to attending the PDS. Groups will break out into discussion to focus on particular segments of the story or movie. To sign up and for more information, visit the Kisling NCO Academy page at or call 489-6502.

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