KMC smokes out smokers

by Cesar Alvarez 86th Aerospace Medicine Squadron Health Promotion

Every year on the third Thursday of November, smokers across the nation take part in the American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout. Some may use that day to make a plan to quit, while others plan to quit in advance.

The Great American Smokeout event challenges people to stop using tobacco and informs them about the many tools they can use to help them quit smoking permanently.

Research shows that smokers are most successful in kicking the habit when they have assistance such as support groups, telephone hotlines, counseling, nicotine replacement products, prescription medications, and encouragement and support from friends and family members. According to research, the use of two or more of these measures to quit smoking works better than using any one of them alone.

Smoking is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the U.S. Another 8.6 million people live with serious illnesses caused by smoking, according to the American Cancer Society. Stopping smoking has been linked to decreased risks of cancer, heart disease, stroke and breathing problems.

Ramstein has seen a decrease in tobacco use over the past five years from 20 to 16 percent among active-duty members. Regardless of age, people who quit smoking improve their overall health and deployment readiness.

So, what is available for you in the local area? There are tobacco cessation classes taught through Health Promotions, formerly the Health and Wellness Center, on Ramstein, Bldg. 2117. It is a group session followed by an individual appointment with a provider who will review medical history, discuss side effects and prescribe medications if needed.

Landstuhl Regional Medical Center also has a tobacco cessation program, and the Army Wellness Center at LRMC offers stress management classes to help with increased anxiety due to quitting.

So if you are ready to begin a healthy new year and commit to change, both the Ramstein Health Promotion and Landstuhl Army Wellness Center programs are here to assist you.

For more information about the tobacco cessation classes, call Health Promotions for the Ramstein program at 06371-47-4292 and Kathleen Petersen for the Landstuhl program at 590-5762 or 06371-86-5762. For details about the stress classes, call the Army Wellness Center at 06371-9464-5881.

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