KMC students to ‘virtually’ run 500 miles

Paul Staso has arrived and is getting ready to start his PACE Trek across Germany. Mr. Staso is the founder of the Promoting Active Children Everywhere Trek, which was established in 2006.

A former fifth-grade teacher, Mr. Staso has taken on a new classroom. Around 20,000 students around the world will virtually join Mr. Staso in running the 500 miles across Germany in three weeks.

Sponsored by Department of Defense Dependents Schools PTAs and the European PTA, Mr. Staso has come to Germany to spread his message of integrity and good health. He began his original run across America as a promise he made to his fifth-grade classroom.

“The Germany challenge, called P.A.C.E. Trek 2010, is my way of trying to make an impact in the decline of youth health and fitness,” Mr. Staso said. “The trek through Germany will require me to average nearly a marathon per day for 21 days. I’ll be virtually traveling with teams of school children from across the U.S.A. as well as many other countries as they access my ‘online classroom,’, and learn about the locations we’re trekking through my writings, pictures and media files.”

Mr. Staso kicked off his trek by meeting with Ramstein Elementary and Ramstein Intermediate school students.

“His story and message are an inspiration to everyone,” said Landstuhl PTA President Lisa Patmore.

Mr. Staso runs with his “Beast Of Burden,” or BOB, an 80 pound stroller he pushes through his trek. BOB contains all of the necessary items for him to make the 20 plus miles a day he runs.

Mr. Staso’s trek officially began Monday in Grafenwöhr and ends March 30 in Landstuhl. Ramstein Intermediate School has three teams on track with Mr. Staso and each team will run 500 miles collectively during the three weeks. There are teams just like this set up around the world that will follow Mr. Staso’s every step via GPS satellite.

For more information on PACE trek and to follow Mr. Staso on his trek across Germany, visit

( Story and photos courtesy of Bobbi Jo Bowser. Information was also taken from