KMC voters receive help

by Christine June
415th Base Support Battalion

***image1***It’s an election year, and for those who are covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, it’s time to register to vote and fill out an absentee ballot request.
Overseas voters generally need to request an absentee ballot by submitting a federal post card application, Standard Form-76, to their local election official 30 days before state and presidential elections. A person who has never voted before should start sooner to get registered.
Assisting Army and Air Force voters here are their Voting Assistance Officers and their unit representatives.
Tony Jones, adjutant for the 415th Base Support Battalion, is the Community VAO for KMC Army commands. Maj. Brad Hamant, Information Systems Flight commander, 786th Communications Squadron, is the Installation VAO for Air Force commands at Ramstein, Sembach, Vogelweh, Einsiedlerhof and Rhein-Main.
Both voting officers help their voters with the assistance of Unit Voting Assistance Officers.
“Each unit is required to appoint a unit voting officer,” said Mr. Jones. “As the facilitator of the program, I assist them with getting the absentee ballot voting cards, current information and anything they may need to assist individuals who require voting assistance.”
Air Force commanders and headquarters directors also appoint unit voting officers, who recruit Work Center Voting Counselors.
“Everyone has a unit voting officer in his unit and a counselor in his work center,” said Major Hamant. “We can help you get your voice heard at any level of government any time there’s a vote being taken.
In addition to command and unit voting officials, voters here can find information on the Federal Voting Assistance Program Web site,
The commercial number from Germany is 0800-1007428.
“The Web site is outstanding, but it could easily take someone an hour or more to find everything he needs to get registered and get their ballot,” said Major Hamant. “My voting assistance team makes the process simple, increasing participation, which is the bottom line.”
For voting assistance in KMC commands:
415th BSB – Mr. Jones,, 489-7199.
435th Air Base Wing- Major Hamant,, 480-5711 or 480-VOTE (8683), a number specifically set up for the Air Force voting program.

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