Lautern comes into blossom

by Petra Lessoing
435th Air Base Wing

Public Affairs
***image1***The Kaiserslautern Advertising Association, Kaiser in Lautern, celebrates the beginning of spring with its event “Lautern comes into Blossom” 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Like in recent years, the tourist information office and the garden fair company will participate.

Spring activities and flowers are in the spotlight. Highlight is a flower pyramid made of 1,000 colored primroses, set up in front of the tourist information office, Fruchthallstrasse 14.

Miss Kaiserslautern, Mariola Shabanaj, and local city guides give out the flowers, which were raised in the city garden and park department. Tourist information employees present the event calendar and inform visitors about attractive leisure activities in Kaiserslautern and the county. They also help visitors to find specific events and locations.

The Kaiserslautern Garden Fair has a booth at the corner of Markt- and Schneiderstrasse (in front of McDonalds). Members of the garden fair’s circle of friends pass out information about events, the flower shows and their activities at the garden fair, which starts March 20 and ends Oct. 3. They also sell season tickets, which cost €40 for adults and €20 for children. Children can do handicrafts with the tulip princess, Jenny I.

A member of the association as well as local institutions will present who they are, what they do and greet guests with flowers and children with balloons. They also ask people to take part in a variety of actions and to enjoy special offers.

Entertainment, information and activity booths lure families to the center of town.  The event features listening, seeing, smelling and tasting.

Rupprecht, the snow-white giant rabbit, walks through the streets with his handcart and passes out flowers. People also can have their photo taken with him.
Like on each Saturday parking is free, except for parking garages.

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