Local national earns Air Force-level award

Petra Lessoing, Story and photo
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***Dieter Sourisseaux, 86th Operations Support Squadron Flight Records, was recently named the 2004 Outstanding Air Force Aviation Resource Management Civilian Supervisor of the Year.

As host aviation resource manager, Mr. Sourisseaux is responsible for the flight and jump records of more than 1,100 servicemembers. He cuts aeronautical orders for ratings and badges. He monitors and approves the flight and jump pay of parachutists and aircrew members such as pilots, navigators, air battle managers, load masters and flight attendants.

“We are the biggest Host Aviation Resource Management outside the United States,” said Mr. Sourisseaux. “We are in charge of $8.5 million per year.”

Rated members, such as pilots, can get an extra payment of up to $840 per month, and enlisted personnel can receive up to $220.

“Our area of responsibility is the European Command and the Exchange Program of the states, which includes flying personnel from 16 other nations,” added Mr. Sourisseaux.

The German local national verifies the eligibility of payments and maintains control and accountability of flight records, including aircrew qualification checks, current status of physicals, aviation service data and flight history.

Senior Master Sgt. Doug Parton, 86th OSS Host Aviation Resource Management superintendent, submitted Mr. Sourisseaux for civilian supervisor of the year.

“He does great work and is a great continuity and backbone of this office,” said Sergeant Parton. “Dieter got the office ready for last year’s Unit Compliance Inspection and it was rated excellent. He keeps the office running, when I go on leave for an extended time.”

Mr. Sourisseaux works with another German civilian and seven U.S. servicemembers. According to his American co-workers he is not only appreciated for his work knowledge, but also for the assistance he provides with private matters such as phone bills or finding the right store on the economy.

Mr. Sourisseaux started working for the U.S. Air Force in 1991. He worked in the fuels management office before he cross trained to flight records in 1997.

“Occasionally, Dieter gets to go TDY or to attend workshops in the states,” said Sergeant Parton. “His work and knowledge is appreciated by everybody he is dealing with and that’s also why after a deployment in Iraq, the 86th Contingency Response Group Combat Jump Team invited him and his wife to watch them during a mass jump.”

The official presentation of the outstanding Air Force aviation resource management of the year award will take place at a later time.

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