LRS implements new e-process for GMV licensing

by Staff Sgt. Melanie McBride
86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron

Don’t you hate it when you’re trying to get something you need for your job and you have to travel between multiple work centers to get it?

The reasons for travel can vary: improper paperwork, missing signatures or simply a lack of process knowledge. To alleviate redundancy and confusion, the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron utilized Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century principles and implemented a new e-licensing process.

The 86th VRS issues approximately 3,000 government motor vehicle licenses annually. This means that 3,000 Airmen, host nation and government employees per year made separate trips to the vehicle operations flight to get a new GMV license accomplished.

If anything was wrong with the paperwork, the individual was sent away for training or to rework the documentation. It is easy to comprehend the frustration of the customer when they would be forced to fight for parking and make multiple trips between offices; we’ve all been there!

Starting in late 2012, the vehicle operations flight office of records and licensing developed a new electronic program designed to greatly reduce the time a customer and vehicle control officer spend coordinating a GMV license and mitigate the amount of processing errors involved from cradle to grave.

The process is simple; the unit VCO verifies the customer’s state license and ID card information and ensures proper training was accomplished prior to sending an electronic request to OR&L. Shortly thereafter, OR&L will email the license back to the VCO. The VCO can then print and issue the license to the member and send them on their way. The entire process remains within the unit, encouraging simplicity and familiarity.

In today’s budget environment, all Airmen have to be forward thinking and encourage an atmosphere of continuous process improvement. Despite the high operations tempo and consistent demands, VRS continues to seek out efficiencies and make innovation a top priority.

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