Lt. Gen. Bishop honored with Order of the Sword

by Senior Master Sgt. Hollis Dawson
3rd Air Force Public Affairs

***image1***A corridor of chief master sergeants and first sergeants from U.S. Air Forces in Europe lined the streets to greet and honor the 18th recipient of the USAFE Order of the Sword at the Ramstein Officers’ Club Saturday night.

With enough glitter and glamour to rival a Hollywood awards show, more than 370 USAFE Airmen attended the ceremony honoring Lt. Gen. Robert D. Bishop, outgoing 3rd Air Force commander, for his unwavering support to the enlisted corps.

The Order of the Sword is the highest honor enlisted Airmen can bestow on an

“I’m extremely honored to receive this award,” General Bishop said. “I’ve always known that the strength of the U.S. Air Force resides within its enlisted corps. To be
recognized by a group of people that I have always depended on throughout my career is very humbling.”

Those who served with him said the honor has been well earned.

“General Bishop is a dynamic leader with sincere personal concern for the well-being of all enlisted men and women,” said Chief Master Sgt. Martin S. Klukas, 3rd AF command chief master sergeant and first sergeant of the mess. “His service has rekindled the spirit and resolve of the enlisted force, and I am honored to have worked beside a leader of his character.”

Chief Master Sgt. Pamela Derrow, USAFE command chief master sergeant and chief master sergeant of the mess, agrees with Chief Klukas’ assertion.

“Since his arrival in USAFE, General Bishop has been a staunch supporter of the enlisted corps,” Chief Derrow said. “Always looking for ways to ‘raise the bar,’ General Bishop supported and completely funded the renovation of the 3rd AF heritage room at the Kisling NCO Academy because he knows how important enlisted heritage is to USAFE’s men and women.”

During his tenure as the USAFE vice commander, General Bishop oversaw more than $1 million worth of quality of life improvements.

In addition to his track record of support for the enlisted corps, General Bishop said he feels a great sense of debt and gratitude toward the Air Force’s enlisted men and women.

“At a time when I want to once again thank the enlisted corps for all the support granted to me over the years, I find myself on the receiving end of your endless professionalism,” he said. “This award is a true representation of the blood, sweat and tears exerted everyday by the men and women of USAFE, and it is a testament to your willingness to do our nation’s bidding.”

General Bishop said he thoroughly enjoyed rolling up his sleeves and working beside America’s best sons and daughters. “It’s an experience I will always cherish.”

The USAFE enlisted members also gave special recognition to Mary Bishop for her selfless dedication to Airmen and their families. General Bishop expressly thanked her for the love, support and sacrifice through the years.

“This symbolic, time-honored ceremony culminates the end of a 34-year career of a great Air Force leader,” Chief Klukas said. “Honoring General Bishop in this manner was definitely the right thing to do. His career epitomizes the justification of the award, and I’m happy to have been a part of it.”

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