Lt. Gen. Ray takes command of 3rd AF

by Capt. Lauren Ott U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Public Affairs
Photo by Senior Airman Nicole Sikorski Lt. Gen. Timothy M. Ray, 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force incoming commander, takes the guidon from Gen. Frank Gorenc, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and U.S. Air Forces Africa commander July 2 on Ramstein. It is military tradition that a guidon is exchanged between commanders, symbolizing the passing of  command.
Photo by Senior Airman Nicole Sikorski
Lt. Gen. Timothy M. Ray, 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force incoming commander, takes the guidon from Gen. Frank Gorenc, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and U.S. Air Forces Africa commander July 2 on Ramstein. It is military tradition that a guidon is exchanged between commanders, symbolizing the passing of

Lt. Gen. Timothy Ray took command of 3rd Air Force from Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson during a change of command ceremony July 2 on Ramstein.

Gen. Frank Gorenc, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa on Ramstein, presided over the change of command ceremony and began with his farewell to Roberson and his family.

“Today we say goodbye to General Roberson and his wife, Cheryl,” Gorenc said. “They leave an incredible record of mission accomplishment.”

Gorenc went on to talk about the future of 3rd Air Force under Ray.

“Yet another chapter in 3rd Air Force history comes to a close, but the good news is that under the leadership of General Ray, a new chapter begins,” Gorenc said. “His experience as a bomber pilot will provide a unique view for both EUCOM and AFRICOM requirements.”

Roberson, who has been selected for reassignment to Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, as commander of Air Education Training Command, reflected on his time at 3rd Air Force.

“It has been a tremendous privilege to work with all the Airmen of 3rd Air Force, 17th Expeditionary Air Force, to be a part of this great USAFE-AFAFRICA staff and to be back in Germany,” Roberson said. He went on to speak to Ray.

“I know what you’re getting as your new commander, and I can tell everyone that you will see a steady, competent and proficient general officer.”

Ray comes to 3rd Air Force from the Pentagon where he served as the director of Global Power Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition. He is a command pilot with over 4,000 flight hours in seven different aircraft.

The general expressed his gratitude toward Roberson and thanked him for his leadership.

Ray then addressed the men and women of the 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force.

“We stand at the strategic crossroads of the world at an incredibly important time,” he said. “You will be the difference between peace and stability, and the success and failure of the combined and joint team ― I believe that to my very core. I just pledge to you my utmost leadership in these coming years.”

As 3rd Air Force commander, Ray will be responsible for the headquarters’ operations directorate, the 603rd Air Operations Center and 10 wings consisting of more than 32,000 personnel.

Lt. Gen. Timothy Ray, 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force commander, receives the guidon from Gen. Frank Gorenc, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander July 2 on Ramstein.
Lt. Gen. Timothy Ray, 3rd Air Force and 17th Expeditionary Air Force commander, receives the guidon from Gen. Frank Gorenc, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander July 2 on Ramstein.
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