Man on the Street: What is your New Year’s resolution?

Rachel Kersey“To improve my overall health and wellness.”
Rachel Kersey
“To improve my overall health and wellness.”


Airman Steven Hirsch, 24th Intelligence Squadron  imagery analyst“To spread my enthusiasm for white water kayaking with my friends.”
Airman Steven Hirsch, 24th Intelligence Squadron imagery analyst
“To spread my enthusiasm for white water kayaking with my friends.”


Staff Sgt. Cameron Kirkpatrick, 612th Air Operations Command battle director, and Senior Airman Joshua Joseph, 15th Intelligence Squadron mission trainer specialist“To keep constant in the gym and be ready for beach  season.”
Staff Sgt. Cameron Kirkpatrick, 612th Air Operations Command battle director, and Senior Airman Joshua Joseph, 15th Intelligence Squadron mission trainer specialist
“To keep constant in the gym and be ready for beach season.”


Tech. Sgt. Jeffrey Medina, 721st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron equipment manager“To make master sergeant.”
Tech. Sgt. Jeffrey Medina, 721st Aircraft Maintenance Squadron equipment manager
“To make master sergeant.”


Airman 1st Class Alejandro Rojo, 450th Intelligence Squadron interactive broadcast system analyst“To further my travels and adventures.”
Airman 1st Class Alejandro Rojo, 450th Intelligence Squadron interactive broadcast system analyst
“To further my travels and adventures.”


Tech. Sgt. Michael Holko, 86th Communications Squadron communication focal point NCOIC“To be a better father and husband.”
Tech. Sgt. Michael Holko, 86th Communications Squadron communication focal point NCOIC
“To be a better father and husband.”




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