May is Information Assurance Month

The 435th Air Base Wing designated May as Information Assurance Month.
Information Awareness is an integrated communications awareness program covering communications security, computer security and emission security disciplines.
The program can help combat computer viruses and its effects. A computer virus is a type of computer program designed to hide in the background and replicate itself from one computer to another. It does this by attaching itself to existing programs or parts of the operating system.
Users can unknowingly transmit a virus from one system to another by copying infected program files from one machine to another or by using an infected program downloaded from the Internet.
Computer viruses often infect many programs on the same system or even parts of the operating system in an attempt to spread themselves as far as possible.
Internet attacks in February caused an estimated $68 to $83 billion in damages worldwide.
There are now more than 22,000 known computer viruses circulating throughout the world and more are being discovered every day.
Several entities throughout the Department of Defense work together to ensure network security. Some of these entities are the Air Force Computer Response Team, the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Network Operations and Security Center, Automated System Security Incident Support Team, 735th Communications Squadron’s, Network Control Center, system administrators, workgroup managers and Unit Information Assurance Managers.
“Some of the tools we use are Norton AntiVirus, Systems Management Server, firewalls, Password Policy Enforcer, Public Key Infrastructure, Access Control Lists, mail relay servers, proxy servers, Internet Security System scanners, Automated Security Incident Measuring System and Enterprise Security Manager/Intruder Alert, said Master Sgt. Glen Saxon, 735th Communications Squadron, Information Security Section superintendent.
This is only a few of the many layers of defense we provide to member’s domain, he said.
“We’re furthering our extensive defensive posture by educating the most valuable person and possibly most vulnerable — you,” said Sergeant Saxon.
To counter the threat of computer virus outbreaks, it’s always best to be fully equipped and proactively ready. By arming the domain and educating the customers, they will stay one step ahead of the latest virus outbreak, he said.
“We need you to use the tools and practices we put forth to assist us in defending our domain. Together, we can forge a relationship to help safeguard against the destructive effects of computer viruses before they wreak havoc within our domain.” (Courtesy of the 735th CS)

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