Medical Group: access to care a top priority

by Lt. Col. Gregory Sweitzer

86th Medical Group chief of medical staff

At the 86th Medical Group, our patients’ access to health care is our top priority. Sometimes, we hear it’s hard to get an appointment in the clinic.

 There are many reasons why this could be the case. Our health care providers are in high demand downrange. It’s not uncommon for one-third of our provider staff to be deployed. Deployments, coupled with the summer PCS season, create critical provider shortages that we strive to manage in a manner that’s invisible to our patients. Our few remaining providers have a limited number of appointments available, unfortunately, increasing our wait times and family member referrals off base.

There is something we can all do to help open access to care. Most of you already know the importance of canceling a medical appointment, however for the past year we have experienced no-shows for more than 5 percent of our scheduled appointments. This means one out of every 20 appointments is missed, denying an appointment slot to another active-duty or family member in need. Health care is costly. When medical appointment slots are filled, it can be very expensive to taxpayers. The average cost of one urgent care visit off base is $154, which totaled $167,000 in 2009. Ultimately, appointment no-shows impact our community and you.

It is easy to cancel an appointment. Simply call 479-CARE (2273) or 06371-46-2273 and choose Option 2. You will be asked to leave your information on the secure voicemail. The appointment staff checks these cancellations regularly and re-opens the appointments for other patients. This option is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To improve access to health care for our community, each individual must assume responsibility for their appointments. Always call and cancel or reschedule any appointment you cannot make, thereby allowing someone else access to medical care. The men and women of the 86th MDG are honored to care for you and stand by to assist you with your health care needs.